
Who is better man or woman? please choose one?

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Who is better man or woman? please choose one?




  1. women cos men are idiots

  2. Women.

    Gee i wonder why...... :-)

  3. I'll say woman, becuase without us, it wouldn't be no you

  4. humanity is a marvel and a wonder. I refuse to choose one over the other and add to the most foolish debate that has raged since life began.

  5. One cannot exist without the other, they are equal in terms of importance.

  6. I choose one and married her.

  7. This depends on what you mean by better.  Both are better a certain things in life.  If you are asking which is superior and closer to God then it would be the man, since God made woman for the man then she is lower in his eyes.

    But.. I feel both are equally intelligent, but Women are the nurturer's while men are the providers.  A man can not show affection like a woman can and he does not feel it the same. A woman cannot provide for the family quite as well as a man.  So.. you see it depends on what you mean by better.

  8. i would say women because i am one! loool

  9. Its obviously women your a bloke and you have to ask just proves that women are superior

  10. i am a womeannnn from the hewomenmen haters club

  11. Man - God what a stupid topic.

  12. women

  13. Well, if you go by the Bible, man was created first, woman was created second.

    Thus woman is Human Version 2.0 And in almost all cases, Version 2.0 is an improvement over the original version as the creator has learned from their mistakes.

    Unfortunately, I'm the Version 1.0 model.

  14. Behind every great man stands a woman Quote

    Just knew they knew there place.

  15. Better at what?

    Women are useless at making women pregnant, but men can not carry babies.

    Give some idea what you mean.

    And I disagree with mind bender, men might have been made first, but a prototype is always made first to pinpoint design faults.

  16. better in what?

    one is better in one thing, the other in something else...

  17. Women we can multitask.

    Although life would be boring without men... Ahh Jared Letto *drools*

  18. You are in a quandry aren't you.Why does one have to be chosen , haven't you worked it out that each is as "good" as the other.

  19. man! but women we cant live without

  20. I agree with Mind Bender!  Women are the newer and improved version!

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