
Who is better nastia lukin or shawn johnson?

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Who is better nastia lukin or shawn johnson?




  1. In basketball?  Who knows.  I think Nastia.  She is a graceful gymnist and not a meathead like so many pro gymnists today.

  2. I think Shawn Johnson, she's very good and seems to be more consistant then nastia lukin.

  3. Personally I think they're both AH-MAZING gymnasts but I kinda have to say Shawn Johnson cuz my family is close with hers.

  4. At basketball?

    Shawn Johnson is stronger in shoulders and legs, so she could play the low post... VERY low post, at her height :) Nastia gets more air and is quicker off the ball.

    In this Olympics?  Count the medals- Nastia did better and even won the all-around gold. Even though Shawn was a slight favorite going in, Nastia was better when it counted.

  5. shawn johnson

  6. Lukin won all around gold, Johnson won Silver. Who do you think?

    Did you know they don't play basketball?

  7. NASTIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. If youre talking about looks Nastia owns Shawn. But seriously Shawn was better last year but Nastia got gold in all around.

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