
Who is buying all the amercian wheat and corn? Are foreiners making gas?

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Who is buying all the amercian wheat and corn? Are foreiners making gas?




  1. a lot is exported to Africa

    but most of it is still used in the US

  2. Probaly going to China to fuel mfg plants making lead-based paint for toys....

  3. Americal has always been a big exporter of agricultural projects.

    Lately there's been a shortage of corn driving up prices because of the increased demand for use in Ethanol production here in the states. Also as more and more land gets used to plant corn for Ethanol, it means lest land being used to plant wheat and other crops.

  4. Food for thought:  It takes as much corn to make 25 gallons of Ethanol as an adult would eat in a year.  It takes 7-10 lbs of grain to produce 1 lb of beef.  We are wasting what we have and the traders are trying to get more for what's left because the dollar is weak world wide.  They want to sell  it for Euros and Yen all they can!!

  5. It doesn't take much to impact a commodities market.  So, if you divert, say, 10 percent of the corn market to make questionable fuel for cars, the price of corn futures can be driven up by 25 or 50 percent.

  6. Neither is a good way to make fuel. The reason prices have gone up is that the government is stupidly promoting the use of corn to make ethanol despite it's inefficiency (it takes more energy to produce a gallon than you get back out) and using food for fuel means prices go up. Another reason is droughts and fuel costs have gone up and agriculture has some hefty fuel requirements. We could use sugar cane like Brazil does but the corn lobby won't let that happen evidently. There are other ideas being developed and one day we'll shake our heads at the idea of using foodstuffs to make fuel.

  7. China is buying most of if and stock piling it for food reserves.  This has driven the prices up, and made it more economical for farmers to grow grains instead of have cattle on the land.

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