
Who is buying time with bio diesel?

by  |  earlier

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Are we now to produce genetically engineered, giant and sick crops instead of food? Why talk about that silly energy instead of concentrating on: wind, solar, nuclear and other energies, or the ultimate lightning energy which patiently awaits the deserved attention?




  1. i think that biodiesel is a good fuel for now, until we kind come up with a whole new system for powering cars and homes. Wind, nuclear, and hydroelectric work well for cities and towns, but doesn't work well for smaller, mobile needs like cars.

  2. Biodiesel is made from waste products. Do you have another purpose for that waste foods? It doesn't affect the environment either because it is turning waste into fuel.

    It's not just made of corn, but soy beans also. So, considering the government pays our farmers not to grow corn now, in the future with biodiesel, the government can stop paying them not to grow corn, and grow it. It won't have an effect on our food supplies, but it will have an effect on our pocketbooks as a tax payer.  We won't have to pay as many taxes.

    There are numerous other things that make biodiesel and I think it's a very good option to be looking into right now. Some of the other ideas you have listed are not necessarily feasible at this stage of the game. They are difficult to produce enough for large cities and be able to get it to the users without an increase in cost. For instance, wind mills are great sources of power, but how many do you have to have to light a city the size of New York? And where would you put them? And how would you get the lines to the city? And how much added cost would that put on the consumer?

    You have to look at the whole picture, not just the idea.

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