
Who is co-commentating the rugby on BBC?

by Guest66771  |  earlier

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It's Moore I'm referring too. Did I hear him right? Condoning standing on players in rucks and something about "It doesn't matter. He's French".




  1. If you think Moore is biased, just wait to hear the anti-England drivel Butler is bound to come out with next week when they play Wales.  Whether he's trying to recapture his Welsh roots, or has a deep-seated disregard for the England side, his comments are, as I recall from previous seasons, breathtakingly one-sided.  In my opinion of course.  Probably just the way I hear it...

  2. Eddie Butler and Brian Moore

    Eddie is the Welshman, Brian is the rough sounding ex-England hooker, not quite sure who you were referring too!

  3. Both Moore and Butler are very biased, Butler may have played for Wales, but he was brought up in England, the both of them should be sacked!

  4. eddie butler

  5. Its former England hooker Brian Moore and he is always biased towards England. I remember last year when England played Italy, Italy should have been penalised for an infringement that wasn't seen and he ranted on about it for ages and in the second half England commited the same infringement that again went unpunished. This time he just laughed it off with the comment ' If the referee doesn't see it it isn't a penalty'.

  6. Brian Moore is the most biased commentator that I have known in any sport.  England this and England that. They can't do any wrong in his eyes

  7. Have you ever played the game if not then keep your mouth shut, if a player is offside then it is in the rights of a team to remove him but unfortunately we now have wimps in charge of the game and the laws are getting ridiculous

  8. The legend that is Brian Moore if only there were more Englishmen like him.

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