
Who is coodie brown?

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all my life i have herd the turm he s higher then coodie brown




  1. Cooter Brown is a fictional character who supposedly lived on the Mason-Dixon Line, which divided the North and the South during the Civil War. Cooter Brown could have fought for the North or the South, but opted for neither. He decided that he would get drunk and stay drunk for the course of the entire war and thus avoid the draft altogether.

    We use Cooter Brown's extended binge as a metaphor for gret drunkeness as in, "drunker than Cooter Brown" or "Drunk as ole' Cooter Brown."

    The expression is mostly heard in the South.

    There are arguments as to whether Brown was a real person. There is no definitive proof.

  2. The story begins some where down south (farther south). Yea it could have been Kentucky or Tennessee or possibly West Virgina , well any way I don't know if he was a real person or not but the story goes like this: Where ever it was, it was a dry county (no alcohol)and every one in town knew Coody Brown not because he was the Mayor or a even  that he was a snappy dresser not because he had a fine looking horse, he was known for his liquor.

    I dont know if he made it himself or if someone else made it, I don't know if ittasted any good or if it took much to get you drunk. But I will tell you this, it made Coody unforgetable. (maybe he shared his liquor with everyone) Now all inditcations are that he was an old timer and only came to town when he had to. Now none of the stories I ever heard ever mentioned a MRS. Brown maybe that was the reason he went to town, but for whatever reason the saying goes:  "GO TO TOWN AND GET AS DRUNK AS COODY BROWN".

    Now if you go down south and you go into a tavern or a restaurant or even a hardware store you just walk right up to some local and ask "Do you know Coody Brown"?The answer will almost always be...... "I DON'T KNOW HIM PERSONALLY, BUT I HEARD HE WAS IN TOWN LAST NIGHT "Well thats the story the way I heard it, you may have heard it a diffrent way but I bet it's close.There is a ot more to Coody Brown's than a bunch of Hoosiers setting around getting sloshed, but to find out you'll have to come join us some afternoon or evening and find out what the rest of us already know. This is your kind of place.
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