
Who is deathy scared of the Ouji Board like I am? Believing that it can bring in evil spirts?

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Any experiecnces? Please tell




  1. just say NO

  2. I am not. Ouija boards are purported to be controlled by "spirits", which make some think of Satanism.

    I've played it, nothing happened. All movement was caused by the players, regardless of what they might say.


  3. Oh the Ouji Board is a gate way to evil sprits, and restless ones.. I am a sensitve to sprits and being pregnant makes it worse a Ouji Board would draw out the bad ones for sure!!

    I would rather have doswing rods, in my hands then a Ouij Board..

    So did you know that you can not get rid of one easly? You have to give it to some one who truly wants the board!!

    Here is informaiton on the board, there is a great reason to fear it!! I hate them::

    One time Larysa and I (Sheena) were playing the ouija board. It didn't answer our questiion so Larysa started cusing at the board. The lights started blinking on and off. We were scared.

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    One time a couple of my mothers friends had a Ouija board and they decided that they wanted to try it one night.So they all got together and tried to contact a spirit but nothing happened.Right when they gave up and they all let go of the little curser it started moving by itself.It just spun around abit and when they looked around the room and they saw there were prints on the walls that started to appear.At first they looked like hand prints but then turned into claw marks .They ran out of the room terrified.This is just one of the stories my mom told me.Its a true story.I'll have some more of my mom's and my own experiences soon.

    How it changed my life:

    it didnt change my life but i'm gonna think twice about trying my own ouija board.

    We will begin our Ouija stories with an explanation of how and why Ouija boards work. There are two schools of thought on the subject.

    The Spiritualist Theory

    A school of thought which states that all Ouija information is channelled (or 'divined' for you purists) from an outside source. This source has been variously defined as ghosts, spirit guides, the astral plane, manifestations of deceased relatives and friends,or if you're a fundamentalist Christian your old pal Satan.

    The Automatistic Theory

    It holds that all information

    gained from a Ouija board comes from within.

    In other words, the Ouija board allows you to access answers that you already have, but cannot get to on a conscious level. The planchette spells the answers via subconscious ideomotor movements from the operator. Other examples of automatism include dreams, dowsing, and psychosomatic illness.

    Ther are many references to the Ouija in 'literature'. Susy Smith in Confessions of a Psychic (1971) claims that using a Ouija board caused her to become mentally disturbed. In Thirty Years Among the Dead (1924), American psychiatrist Dr. Carl Wickland claims that using the Ouija board "resulted in such wild insanity that commitment to asylums was necessitated."

    It seems to me that one would have to be somewhat disturbed to begin with. If a person truly believes that they are talking to the dead,

    then they will get answers which support that idea.

    Some of which may be truly unexplainable.

    If they believe that Satan's minions are at the other end of their Ouija board, then they will contact other little devils.


    We receive at least 5 emails a week from readers. Many of these people describe receiving foul language and threats of death and horror through the Ouija.

    Honestly, It's so much easier to blame an inanimate object (or the unknown such as 'Satan') for our fears, and sometimes vile words and thoughts, than to admit these feelings come from one of us. No human being likes to admit to their dark side and fears (many times translated into anger).

    As with anything, from Rock and Roll Music to guns to religion there is a possibility of abuse.

    Would you give booze or a sharp object to an unbalanced person? Well, you might but I wouldn't. Alas, Ouija boards are easily available and exert the lure of the forbidden to those with terminal angst and psychiatric disorders.

    Now that you have a little background, feel free to divine the veracity of the following Ouija Stories

    Classic Ouija Board Stories

    A Famous Ouija Storey

    In 1917 The Sorry Tale was published. This novel, which was about the life of Jesus, was a huge critical and commercial success. The author was Patience Worth. Well actually, as Patience had been dead for some 400 years, the story was channelled through a Ouija board to Pearl Curran.

    In 1912 Pearl and a friend began using a Ouija board and "met" Patience Worth during a Ouija session.

    Pearl eventually published 5 full-length novels and 2500 poems.

    Curran had received only 8 years of formal schooling, but the writings of Patience Worth were commented on by The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and other leading newspapers as being written with "skill, ingenuity, and permeated with spiritual beauty".

    Go figure.

    The Second Most Famous Ouija Story

    In 1965, 14 year old Kathleen and 2 of her girlfriends were playing with a Ouija board.

    Kathleen asked "who will I marry?"

    The Ouija board answered "Dave".

    Kathleen asked again. She didn't know anyone named Dave, and her boyfriend's name was Billy.

    The Ouija board again spelled out D-A-V-E

    Kathleen asked "Where is Billy", knowing that he was at his job in town.

    This time the board spelled D-E-A-T-H

    Kathleen and her friends were skeptical and asked again. With the same result.

    Later that night Kathleen's mother came into her room, to tell her that Billy had been killed in a car accident on his way to work that afternoon.

    Kathleen is today happily married to Dave Stephens.

    Attention: This is not a true story. I don't care WHO told you about it. It is the best apocryphal Ouija story going though. I have personally received this one and at least 15 others which used the same basic story line, but the names were changed to protect the gullible. When compared to the First Story it's like judging Grapes of Wrath against The Hook. Even so, this bit of urban legend has become a standard and continues to make its way though High Schools and chat rooms all over the world.

    After the appearance of The Exorcist in 1972, many people were encouraged to believe that a Ouija board could "possess" the user. Until that time most people considered the channelling of Ouija information to be benign.

    With this change in perception, the Ouija user as 'victim' of the board rather than 'recipient', more gory and inadvertently amusing stories began to emerge.

    To the ignorant and gullible there were manifest signs of demon possession and evil. From the board that told the user to kill her husband for the insurance money (she was taken into police custody before the plan was implemented) to the teenager who is addicted to the Ouija and writes for help.

    The fad of demonic possession has tapered, but there are still some stories around. Most are laughably contrived. The funniest one that I have ever seen is called The Exorcism: Tract#266 and can be read online. The poor girl in this story needs immediate psychiatric help. She is obviously not possessed by a demon. However, the writer of this story was clearly possessed;

    by the absurd idea that he was literate.

    On the bright side, Ouija boards are also available to those of sound (ha!) mind and body. So grab your Ouija, light a candle, and start developing some Ouija stories of your own.

    Real Ouija Stories From Real Readers

    Here are some of our more recent emails.

    As always, we leave the puntuation and grammar exactly as they were received.


    My true story happened when I moved to Phoenix after being married 11 years and had been with the same man for two years prior to our marriage. I took my two children to get away and start all over,moving in with another divorced woman with three children.Patricia introduced me to the board one evening which we took notes of all our questions, my first question was..

    will I ever marry again? YES...what is his name? ALAN...will I be with him forever?..NO...will I marry again?..YES...what is his name? PAUL...will I stay with him? NO...will I marry again?.. who?..... A.L.G...we laughed because it sounds like scum at the bottom of the pool!

    ! will I be with him forever?..NO..will I marry again? who? now we are rolling on the floor laughing at the idea of all these marriages..will I marry again? whom? ..TOM..will he be my last? NO..will I marry again? whom? MEL.. I stopped asking... by the way the board also gave me their last names mispelled by one letter.I also was given another mans name ROBBIE PAYTON which was a fiancee that died before we could marry.I have met and married everyone the board gave me and for the last 6 years I've remained married to Mel...should I say anymore??....... I do believe in the supernatural powers of the board.

    The 7th time around,

    Mrs.Mel ________.


    Hi. I"m 13 and just a few days ago me and my cousin got out the old ouja board. it was a very old one that belonged to our parents when they were kids. we had been asking it many questions and a while into the "game" we had to know whether it really worked or not. We were going to a baseball game later and we asked what the score would be and if our team would lose or not. It said they would lose 1 to 2. Sure enough they lost 1 to 2 in extra innings! I am just waiting for the other questions to come maybe my next boyfriend. heehee Laura, Washington


    Hello... First off, I'd like to preface this by saying that I am not crazy. When I was in my late

  4. I am not scared of it, but I don't like them.  It is a game, that is said to represent something bad. You can buy it in Toys R Us, after all. That doesn't mean that it cannot be scary, because it can be. It depends on how susceptible you are. The idea of the game plays on your beliefs and gullibility and fears. The people using the game make the planchette move. Personally, I would never use one because I do not like what they represent. Just use common sense.

  5. according to christian beliefs they are evil, i had one in the house for years, and felt better when i got rid of it.

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