
Who is drinking the "Lie"-ber-man Kool Aide tonight?

by  |  earlier

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I had to take a break.




  1. it was a huge load of S**t

    you couldn't force feed me S**t if my life depended on it!

  2. I left it on the table.

  3. Certainly not me.

  4. You missed very little... Even some of the Republicans didn't show up for his speech. I couldn't get over the empty chairs. I have never seen that before, not even for the RNC, and theirs are always less populated then the Dems.

  5. He went to the hoop by calling out to Democrats and Independents to vote for McCain, but then didn't really give a good reason why.

  6. I have never heard a funnier pile of hollow, meaningless sloganeering in my life - he was cracking me up every time he opened that retarded mouth. I particularly loved the part about McSame being a president our allies would like and our enemies would fear - what's the old sissy gonna do, throw Viagra at them or bore them to death with his Alzheimer-induced babbling or drown them in his dementia-related drool? ROFL

  7. hey, you dems. taught him well when he apprenticed under you all.

  8. Poopy

  9. I like how libs used to love Lieberman, and now they can't stand him.  

  10. Not me. He changes parties more often than his underwear.

  11. is there Vodka in it?

  12. Sorry REPS don't do kool aid, you must mean the liberal idiots like you that post these retarded questions on line. Now, kiss your mom and brush your teeth before you go to bed, Night night!

  13. Lieberman Kool Aide is the blood of Palestinian children.  

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