
Who is eligible for knighthood as granted by her royal Majesty, i.e. can they be a national outside of the UK?

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Who is eligible for knighthood as granted by her royal Majesty, i.e. can they be a national outside of the UK?




  1. No....they must be British Subjects. I was born in England but have Canadian citizenship. I could be awarded an O.B.E. if the Queen decided to (although I don't think she would be too impressed by the fact that I am a staunch anti-monarchist). The Queen can award "honorary" knighthoods such as the one Bob Geldoff (who is Irish) recieved for his charitable work with Band Aid and Live Aid (fighting famine in Africa). Paul MCartney, Elton John, and Judith Dench are a few of the more famous Knighthoods nowadays.

  2. Any one who has done extraordinarly

    good works in any field of work charity,entertainment,science, the military,business, and the like,can be nominated for the honor.And,yes,nationals are eligible! ( see  )

    From here's the guidelines:

    "Anyone can be nominated, but only exceptional people are honoured. To be in with a chance of seeing your candidate on the Honours List, make sure your nomination has what it takes to make it all the way to Buckingham Palace. Achievement comes in many forms but what we're looking for is someone who has made a difference in their field of work or community.

    Honours can be awarded for all sorts of work - paid or unpaid - but your nominee must still be involved in the activity for which they're nominated.

    Has your nominee:

    made a difference to their community or field of work

    brought distinction to British life and enhanced its reputation

    exemplified the best sustained and selfless voluntary service

    demonstrated innovation and entrepreneurship

    carried the respect of their peers

    changed things, with an emphasis on achievement

    improved the lot of those less able to help themselves

    displayed moral courage and vision in making and delivering tough choices "

    From  here's info. about the knighthood:

    "A knighthood (or a damehood, its female equivalent) is one of the highest honours an individual in the United Kingdom can achieve.

    While in past centuries knighthood used to be awarded solely for military merit, today it recognises significant contributions to national life.

    Recipients today range from actors to scientists, and from school head teachers to industrialists.

    A knighthood cannot be bought and it carries no military obligations to the Sovereign.

    The Queen (or a member of the Royal Family acting on her behalf) confers knighthood in Britain, either at a public Investiture or privately.

    The ceremony involves the ceremonial dubbing of the knight by The Queen, and the presentation of insignia.

    By tradition, clergy receiving a knighthood are not dubbed, as the use of a sword is thought inappropriate for their calling.

    Foreign citizens occasionally receive honorary knighthoods; they are not dubbed, and they do not use the style 'Sir'.

    Such knighthoods are conferred by The Queen, on the advice of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, on those who have made an important contribution to relations between their country and Britain.

    Foreign citizens given knighthoods over the years include Chancellor Kohl, President Mitterrand and Mayor Giuliani of New York.

    The origins of knighthood are obscure, but they are said to date back to ancient Rome, where there was a knightly class Ordo Equestris (an order of mounted nobles). "

  3. The person must be a national of a commonwealth country, if the queen is not present her representative the Governor General will do the knighting

  4. I believe it is any member of the commonwealth. Because the Queen is Queen of more then just the UK

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