
Who is excited that school is almost here?

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i am i cant wait i have so much to look forward to but in a few months i will be so over it and be praying for summer lol i get to volunteer at the va hospital again and i don't have to do gym class lol and i am home schooled so i don't even have to wake up at like 5 am hahahaha i love school because i am my own boss well actually my mom is but you get the picture lol so are you excited or not tell me why




  1. nobody.

  2. im excited because ill finaly be able to see my friends again!!

    and also cus at my school things rock!!

  3. I'm excited because of fall--I'm not in school.  P.S.  I remember being in the hospital for 6 weeks getting brain surgery and not having any family.  And the people who volunteered there were so kind and helpful!  They'll always have a place in my remember that when you go!!!

  4. ehhh not me. im gona be a junior and i just want to skip the nexttwo years and go to college so i can get my party on!!!!!

  5. Oh, I totally agree , Come on school days !!


    I think we have different reasons for being happy schools starting,

    I'm sending two kids back to school

    : )  : )

  6. ME! Now all yall kids can stop annoying me with all your noise and getting in the way when i try to run my errands during the day.

  7. I AM! I have been waiting all summer.

    I want to hang with my friends, and get back into the gossip circle!


    It will be so fun! I love my friends so much.

  8. My kids homeschool year round, and we take time off whenever we think it will benefit our family to do so. But I am looking forward to the annual "book change" that happens in September, when we switch from one grade level and move forward to the next.

    This September we are also looking forward to a new co-op that has High School classes, my daughter is jumping up and down for joy!

  9. Good for  you :) I just got done with summer school so wish I had just a little longer to!

  10. I love school, I'm like addicted to math u must think I'm crazy or something..but yes I can't wait..the only thing is I'm sort of addicted to having everything perfect (close enough) So I get a little overboard sometime...but I go to a public school...

  11. I'm am not one bit of excited at all to tell you the truth! Once I found out we had only one more month of school left I got disappointed! I'm glad to see my friends and such but I'm in a public school so it is really different then what you have. But yeah I am not excited lol.

  12. most are not. they have to get dressed and then they can't wear certain things to school or they will have to change. you get sick from others and you have to eat cafeteria food not moms food. and you can take as long as you want to eat unlike a real school. noone will pick on you and you dont have to choose. so re-write your question.

  13. I'm excited to go back to school. Next year I'm a FRESHMAN... I hope they don't remember FRESHMAN FRIDAY D: !!! Eh, my friends tell me I look like I'm older a couple years than I really am, so I can pretend I'm like a junior XD !!! I can't wait, plus I look a lot different than last year, cause' I got contacts and cut my hair shorter!!!

  14. How is school almost here? Some kids only broke up last week and most kids still have at least 6 weeks remaining of holiday. I don't like your attitude.

  15. kinda

  16. I would be if I still went to school.  College is still an option though ^.^

  17. I dread the school year and blossom during the summer, in no way shape or form will i ever be excited about getting to the school from summer, where I can do whatever I want and go to boarding camps with my friends in other countries and see other people that I know in those countries, why would I want to go back to being judged, graded, assessed, tested, being pushed, cramming, and being stressed?

  18. yhea that's the way it is summer gets boring you want to be in school but once your there you just want summer again

    i want school to start again i graduated 2 years ago but i have a younger sister who is 15

    its kind of annoying having her at the house all day long

    i do work but its only for 9am to 2pm

  19. ME!!!!! I want my 7 year old back in school 7 hours a day! He needs the structure. He is runnning around crazy. I can't wait! Take him, Take him now please!!!!!

  20. who said school started it jus ended in inter national indian school__________________________________... 4 -72 days


  21. I am, kinda sorta.

    I work for the public school and it will be nice to start getting a steady paycheck.

    We homeschool and will probably start back with active learning within the next couple of weeks.  

    Meanwhile, I am consistently amazed and enlightened about  people as they ask and answer questions here on Y!A.

    It really gives me things to think about and makes me so happy that we decided to homeschool.

  22. I'm not....

    Gosh, if you were going to a real school, you wouldn't look forward to it.

  23. wow , i cant say that im as excited as you but but i am happy because i'll be in the 9th grade WWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO (go class of 2012)

  24. interested, im not really super excited, cause i don't really like school that much. but im interested to see what my classes are like.

    My school re did the scheduleing, instead of having a regular 6 class schedule, we now have 8 classes, 4 every other day.

    and we have a bunch of new classes offered.


    marketing research

    history of rock and roll

    forensic science

    history of war

    lifeguard training

    and a bunch of others.

    so im not excited to go back and have homework, and study, and worry about tests, or forgeting some homework, or doing projcts.

    But i am excited to see what my new classes are like, and that basketball starts really soon, and i'll be in 11th grade.

  25. yes im very excited because i have been doing home school for three years and now im going to do my senior year at a regular high school and it will be my first time to experience high school so im very very excited !!!LOL

  26. im excited, yet scared. im starting 6th grade and this means middel school, so i am now little. again. in 5th we were the oldest and now... not so much. plus im afraid my big gruop of friends and i r ganna not b friends anymore cuz we arnt in the same lunch or something. and im scared that my 2 best friends arnt ganna b my friends cuz ill barley c them cuz they do so much dance. itsl ike their lives.  and plus ppl keep sayin that ill make all these new friends but i dont want to drift away from my old ones!!! so ya im scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. I'm very excited actually. It's because this is my first year going to an Online High School (k12)(10th grade). It's going to be somewhat interesting because I like to move at my own pace and I absolutely love being independent. Plus, I've got friends around the city and I'm not really that social. And my high school is definitely not for me. I mean, there's drugs, s*x and wild parties for 15-year-olds!

  28. i am not exited at all. My schedule is messed up this semester. I have to go to school 5 times a week. I have a 6.5 hour break between 2 classes.

  29. not me... I am going to miss having the kids around :(

    I have enjoyed them this summer

  30. I'm kinda happy becuzz i'm going to be a senior! but other then that i'm not to excited.

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