
Who is from Iceland?? Care to share some knowledge?

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What is the city of Akureyri like? (sorry, that may be spelled wrong, but i think you know which city i am thinking of). I am visiting there next summer for an international scouting jamboree and i am wondering what the city is like? Thank you very much!




  1. I'm from Iceland. Akureyri (you spelled it right) is a town with around 17,000 inhabitants, so it's not very big. It is in a beautiful fjord in the North of Iceland. It's a very nice town, I always enjoy visiting it. They have a lot of nice, old houses and cute streets and this is a relatively quiet town, but you can still find a lot of fun things to do there. Nature is just a few steps away too, so it's a great place for outdoor activities.

    You can see photos of Akureyri here:

    Enjoy your stay there. :)

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