
Who is further to the right on the political spectrum: Sarkozy or Bush?

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Who is further to the right on the political spectrum: Sarkozy or Bush?




  1. Sarkozy and Bush have the same political opinions.

    But France is far less conservative than the USA so Sarkozy can't rule the way Bush did because the French people would just not let him do it.

  2. Bush.  France is still a socialist country.  

    Bush just vetoed a medical bill for kids that he thought sounded to much like socialized medicine.  

    Sarkozy might want to reform France, but he could never dream of getting it as capitalistic as the US.

  3. Sarkozy.

  4. What is important in two shiits ? Their position or how they stink ?

  5. After watching Bush these last 8 years, I must conclude that Bush is not a conservative and barely on the right

  6. SarkoNAZI is more dangerous and clever. Bush is just stupid.

    And Sarkozy is far more to the right I think.

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