
Who is gary bettman and why does everyone hate him?

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can you give examples of some traditions?




  1. The commissioner of the NHL

  2. He is the commissioner of the NHL and people dislike him because most hockey fans believe he has done far more to hurt the game than he has done to help it.  Hockey's popularity declined significantly in his first 10 or so years in the post.  Things like over-expanding the league and allowing teams to move from hockey havens in Canada to non-hockey cities in the states.

  3. He is the sith and hockey is the light. He is trying to destroy hockey...remember the lockout?

  4. Gary Bettman is a lawyer who just happens to also be the NHL commissioner.

    He's in charge of all things money in the NHL.

  5. he is the commissioner of the NHL. many people hate the b*****d because he came from the NBA and doesn't know sheeit from shinola about hockey, and not much about marketing it. he is a great kizzass for the owners, though.

    He's a media hog and gets booed every time he tries for cheap applause.

  6. Who is you and why are you in here if you dont know the commisioner?

  7. Bettman is the comissioner of the NHL. He is not liked for a few reasons, he has no respect for the traditional rules of hockey. Bettman never saw a hockey game in person until after he became comissioner, he had instituted rules that make sense to nobody (the trapezoid behind the goal, and the instigator rule). Bettman wants to make nets bigger, to create scoring, but that would be like making a football field shorter or making it only 5 yards for a first down. The list goes on but I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. The only good things I can ever remember him doing was getting rid of the two line pass rule, and enforcing hooking rules. And another thing I don't like him for is taking hockey off ESPN.

    There are also some wacky yet interesting conspiracy theories about him.;_ylt=Av...

  8. He's the commissioner of the NHL but he was also previously involved in the NBA. He doesn't have a love of the game of hockey and so keeps instituting rules and handing down regulations that don't further the game of hockey - he doesn't have any history with the game. He's implemented changes with the size of the goalie pads, the trapezoid behind the goal, rules regarding fighting and penalties that just keep the players slashing and crosschecking each other instead of scrapping for a minute and settling their differences, and so much more. He changed the size of the nets in thinking that fans would rather see high scoring games instead of a well-played, hard-fought lower scoring game. He's also changed the schedules so that teams will play a few other teams many times during the season and not play other teams for 2 to 3 years. I could go on but there isn't enough room on Yahoo's servers for all of the complaints against Bettman.....

  9. Gary Bettman is the commissioner of the NHL. He is hated because he is trying to take the tradition out of hockey and because he hates Canadians.

    Oh yea and how could I forget the lockout.

  10. He's the NHL commisioner and the biggest thing he's doing is forgetting about old-time loyal hockey fans and working to get a bigger fan-base (aka more money).  He's single-handedly ruining the sport.

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