
Who is generally more aggressive? Israel or Palestine?

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I get confused

and who is the more "innocent one"

which one is muslim and which ones are jewish again?




  1. I would consider the one who makes women and children it's priority target.

  2. I think Israel is more aggressive than the Palestinians, they have been tormenting those people for years, while the Pal's live in poverty, and throw rocks at tanks!

  3. Palestinians are more aggressive so are all Muslim states...

    Kosovo vs Serbia

    Chencya vs Russia

    Pakistan vs India

    Afghanistan vs USA

    Iraq vs USA

    Syria vs Lebanon

    Muslim killing Christians in Sudan

    Muslim riots in France and Australia (eg in 2005 Cronulla Riot)

    and SO ON!!!

    and all of these problems are about MOSLEMS!!!

    If, there aint Muslim on this d**n earth... that means...

    PEACE in the world... less wars... less rapists, less theives, and so on...

    Most rapists are muslim!!!

    Honour killings? always happening in Muslim families... so like if there no muslim, then NO HONOUR KILLINGS AT ALL!!!



    We, Tongans and Samoans, stands with you, Jews and Israel!

    We love Jews and Israel!!!


    Israel & Tonga & Samoa forever!

  4. Look up jenin on youtube.

    there are many videos

    watch Jenin Jenin

    Also watch a few videos about Gaza and what goes on over there.

    Look at the video that comes up about the young girl who was swimming and when she came back she found her entire family (4 kids and both parents) shot dead. These people were out having a picnic. Mighty aggressive of them, surely a cause for being brutally murdered.

    check out : Myth of a suicide bomber

    Also read Joe Sacco's Palestine. He is a journalist who just went there for a visit. Once you read this book you will understand how there is definitely a skewed perception of what goes on in Palestine/Israel.

    1.3 million Palestinians live in Gaza an area no bigger then 224 sq miles, thats like Washington DC twice. Look up pictures of Gaza.

    Ignorance is bliss.

    By the way Arabs are Semitic people. So they can't be anti-Semitic

  5. Obviously, the antisemitic people are going to answer that the Jews are to blame for everything. if it was clear as day that Palestinians blew up Israelis they'd still be professing loudly that the Jews are killing innocent people.

    So How bout you look at the facts....

    Palestinians blow up civilian Israelis. Why? no reason.

    They'd blow up THEMSELVES just to end other peoples lives. Such people obviously have little morals, and value of life.

    Israel will try not to harm civilians. Why do they attack? only in retaliation of the Palestinians actions against them. They cant just sit there and be attacked right and left, its only rational to defend itself.

    Don't be brainwashed by those who claim Israel is always wrong.

  6. Slave: What you have said counts for the small minority of Muslims. Where many Muslims are taught to hate Jews and the West very early on as children, there are others who wan't peace just as much as me and the whole Israeli state. You cannot accuse a whole race for the problems on this planet. That is what Hitler and what "some" muslims are doing to the Jews now. By saying that you are justifying all of those Hitler's out there. That disturbs me.

  7. israel=jewish ,only attacks after being attacked and they target enemy fighters while trying to not harm innocent civilians.

    Palestinian=muslim ,shoot rockets into neighborhoods  intentionally targeting women and children trying to kill as many as possible.

  8. Well true there are good and bad people on both sides. But this is a deep topic and you should do some more research. Just by simply listening to what the media says you would think it's Palestinias and I thought that to before. However, I know a couple Palestinians that had to evacuate their home because Israelies want to demolish their house even though they owned it before  the land was occupied. Palestine is ILLEGALLY occupied and has been and continues to terrorize people but no one is helping them and unfortunately the way they see out is the suicide bombing (some not all) because this has been going on for a LOOOOOOONG time and the world has been silent. If you lived under the conditions they do trust me you would understand. No I don't agree with suicide bombing let me get that straight, but some see it as a last resort b/c they don't have weapons like Israel does. It's a complicated situation but what Israel is doing is wrong any open minded person can see that just do some research or go visit there and see for yourself. By the way did you know if a BORN Palestinians decides to move to another country and later wants to come back he can't unless he becomes a Jew? Hmmm I bet the media didn't tell you that.

  9. Both have brutal fighters and peaceful people.

    Israel has killed more. You could see them as the innocent ones because they attempted to withdraw and were attacked, or the Palestinians because all the people of Palestine are being punished (and also because of the many refugees.) Israel is definitely in a better position; it is powerful and any criticism against it is globally lambasted, while the Palestinians have no state and are at the mercy of Israeli blockades (they can't even travel without Israeli permission.)

    Palestinians tend to be Muslim. Israelis are either ethnically or religiously Jewish; not necessarily both. Palestinians also have Christians, and a high percent of ethnically Jewish Israelis are atheist.

  10. You have representatives of the two peoples on this site, the Israelis use common sense the others, well they use hate, hate will never get you anything.

    Read some questions and answers and see

    Look at my answer about Israeli flowers I get thumbs down for that  !!!

  11. Generally, Israel is more agressive.  Currently, Israel has 10's of thousands of troops outside its recognized borders in countries it has invaded.  Its attacked and invaded Egypt (twice), Syria, Lebanon (twice), and what was at the time Jordan but now considered Palestine which is still under occupation by Israel.  Palestine has no troops stationed outside its borders, and the only time it ever did was because its people were driven from their homes.  Israel was basically founded by ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, and it has never stopped expanding its borders by war. Also, Israel has committed many, many cross-border attacks on civilians - Palestinians have committed a few, but in scale probably 1/50 or so of the number committed by Israel.  

    I don't think you can say either is entirely "innocent" but Israel is definately more guilty.

    The best on-line history of how Israel was founded is at (search "massacre" if you are interested in the point made by the pro-Israel crowd that Israel never attacks civilians).   I also recommend,,,

    Israel is "the Jewish State." Palestine is pretty secular and has in the past made laws granting equal rights regardless of creed, however, the vast majority of the people are Muslims, and lately the Muslim parties have gained more clout.

  12. The zionists are armed to the teeth and extremely brutal. The Plaestinians have dwelt there is peace since the Roman expulsion of the jews 2000 years ago. They were just as bloodthirsty then.

  13. Palestine is the agressive one. The Israelis don't teach children to hate Arabs, but the Palestinians teach their children to hate Jews. Israel one time offered about 60% of their land to the Palestinians but the Palestinians refused because they wanted more. Israel always investigates and puts charges on people when innocent civilians are hurt. The Palestinians (not all of them) cheer and pass candy out when every Israeli civilians are hurt. The Israelis always aim for militants (but unfortunatley run into situations when human sheilds are being used). The Palestinians delibritly target Israeli civilians with suicide bombers and rockets. There are Arabs that coexist with Israelis but the Palestinians don't allow jews to coexist with them.

  14. Palestine is more aggressive, Israel are the good guys and are jewish

  15. Palestine, .........Israel is simply defending itself!

  16. Palestine is all hardcore jews, Israel is all hardcore muslim.

  17. Lando put it well...

    If you follow the news...

    Israel obeys the Rules of Engagement and only attacks as a response to an attack.

  18. definitely Israel is the mightiest power in the Middle East. They are also ranked number 4 in arms sales after the US, Russia and France and before the UK. They make lots of money form selling arms to African countries.

  19. All those who said the native Palestinians are more aggressive than the Israeli colonist are not telling the truth.

    The native Palestinians are made up of Jews, Christians and Muslims.

    The colonists are never more innocent than the natives.

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