
Who is generally more loyal? Men or Women

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  1. both are equally the same when it comes to loyalty. all you can do is trust that they are being loyal. the reason is because it comes down to the type of person they are. so it's more of an individuality thing. anyone can be disloyal.

    i think you're more likely to hear of cases of men cheating on their partners because women are generally smart enough not to get caught out, and at the same time, if the man cheats on his girlfriend or wife and she finds out about it, she is more likely to go and tell someone/people, whereas if the woman cheats on the boyfriend or husband and he finds out, men are more likely to keep it to themselves

  2. women most definitely, because they're emotional, and some are insecure of themselves and feel that need to attach to someone, to support them etc. However some women are also independent and dont have the need to stick to someone, and then theres also cases where cunning women, only stay married or loyal because of the money freedom that is given.

    Men are more physical and ont have the  need to stick to sum1, they're more physical and free spirited type people. but then again they get to a stage where they want to be loyal and stable.

  3. Women.

    Every single guy I have EVER dated or been married to cheated and LIED. Except my current husband.

    My second husband cheated on me with his own cousin!! NO LIE!

    Another time we went to a cookout at some friends house and he dissapeared with this 18 year old girl for about a half hour. They both show up 1/2 hour later. They both are acting funny. When we got home he smelled like s*x....NO LIE!! He even had an affair with his son's girlfriend.

    He was a real dirtbag.

    I dated another guy and we went for a motorcycle ride with his friend. We went to this house and he told me to get on his friends bike so he could talk to this other girl. I have a million other sleazy guy stories but it would take me all day to tell them.

    Oh yeah my dad cheated on my mom all the time with teenagers too.

  4. I definitely believe that women are more loyal, if only because they tend to get more emotionally attached to their friends and lovers than men do.

    Women like to become personally involved, in most cases. And I think, by nature, woman are more likely to feel the need to help, protect, and nurture - and are able to relate well to others - which, in turn, gives them the opportunity to create (and stregthen) more bonds than men would.

    The fact that women are able to empathize better than men makes them more likely to avoid hurting or offending the people they care about. Women are simply more compassionate than men are, generally speaking, and that compassion breeds loyalty.

  5. men are more loyal aside from s*x women are more likely to hold grudges, take revenge, talk about you behind your back, start rumors.  women cheat more than men do also,  they are better liars than men and are much more sneakier than men.  

  6. I'd like to think that women,.. cuz i am honest and loyal,..i can only judge my self don't know about others,..

  7. It depends on person.  A lot of men are looking just for s*x but want to keep married. I would say women are most likely to be loyal.

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