
Who is getting more media scrutiny/vetting; Obama in 2yrs of campaigning or Palin in one week?

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Who is getting more media scrutiny/vetting; Obama in 2yrs of campaigning or Palin in one week?




  1. Obama has received way more scrutiny. Does anybody remember Reverend Wright, Father Phlager, Tony Rezko, Louis Farakkhan etc. They went after Obama for months in the primaries. They have only gone after Palin for a couple of days.  

  2. Does it matter....She was a bad pick.

  3. Obama.  If every media channel ran nothing but scutiny of Palin since she was picked as McCain's VP 24 hours a day, it still wouldn't be more than the time media has spent scrutinizing Obama.

  4. who gives a hoot about Obama. Is he a commie?

  5. Ellen Maria, what is a "Ex drug atticked??"

  6. Hopefully, Shocking Sarah is.  Obama was subjected to 54 primary and caucus contests and more than 20 debates.  Shocking Sarah was picked by one old man, apparently after little or no vetting.  

  7. Palin..I know her whole life story AND her daughters boyfriend's life story too. lol.

      I don't even know what Obama did from the time he was out of college until he ran for office.

  8. Palin in a week but Obama's people are out there trying to run her down and find information. They are taking to the TV and internet with any thing they can say to bring  her down. Obama is finally going to appear on O'Reily and next will be Hannity.  

  9. Palin of course.

    The media has not even mentioned the fact the Obama went to Kenya in 2007 and campaigned for his Muslim cousin Raila Odinga and it was a complete debacle that ended up costing a bunch of people their lives.  

  10. Palin.  The media sat on stories about Obama for over a year and still are,'cause he's their boy toy.

  11. obama has been vetted for years. he has been vetted much more. palin was unknown out side of the middle of nowhere last week. not to mention every rock they look under they find another scandal.

  12. Obama is the elected nominee of the Democratic Party.   He took his heat and came out standing tall (the facts).

    Palin has run and hid in the corner with the Republican heads running about saying people who ask her a question are sexist and dirty dirty meanies.

    Sorry but I do not buy the deflection the Republicans are making with Palin.  It is utter nonsense.  Obama was put through his ringer and survived.  Palin disappeared into a back room.  She should not have been picked if she can not take the heat, or stand up to scrutiny.

  13. Palin got more on day one.

    And her 17 year old, unwed, pregnant daughter has gotten more scrutiny than Obama's then 17 years old, unwed, pregnant mother.  

  14. Palin, without a doubt.

    And Obama has been running for 4 years.

  15. Palin

    Obama is a man and because of it..the fact that he is all of these things is being ignored

    Ex drug atticked

    (Muslim herritage that he supports)





    None of that matters

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