
Who is getting tired of every story about severe (storms and tornados) in areas where we expected them to be?

by Guest62021  |  earlier

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like the heartland midwest




  1. Count me in.

  2. Maybe if you knew how bad it really is, you might want to know whats going on

  3. Being from Arkansas, we never got tired of sending money to New York to support the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. Just as terrorist attacks cannot be predicted nor contained, neither can mother nature!

  4. wow, that's pretty callous.  I'm sure you won't be so blase when another tornado hits Brooklyn.

  5. Around the Detroit Area the weathermen go absolutely nuts when it starts to snow-- you know, in December no less.  They practically get breathless describing the two-inches of snow we're getting as if it's the storm of the century.  If we get any more snow then the warnings come out and crawls at the bottom of your TV start up as if warning against an attack of bombers.  

    Same with rain, if there's the slightest hint of a thunderstorm a program gets pre-empted for ten minutes while the news brings on the constant chatter describing the rain as if no one has ever seen something like this before.  And they use power words to make it sound really bad:  "The *threat* of rain."  "We "dodged" a "bullet" if the weather system goes by us.

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