
Who is going to accept the RIFD chip from the government when they release it?

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Who's even heard about it they've been researching this chip to put into us it'll get us food clothes money and everything you have right now on the flipside they will be able to know every move you make. They've spent millions of dollars to research where to put this chip and they came to the conclusion of putting it in your right hand or forehead and if you look in revealations chapter 13 verse 16-18 that is the mark of the beast, so as a christian by not accpting this chip i will be screwed left to right up and down but i dont care for i dont fear man nor the devil just GOD and i know by standing up for this i will be blessed eternally. So keep yalls eyes open to whats really going on all the lies that goes on behind the black curtain. World War 3 is upon us and soon a One World Government, They are making the North American Union. They have the european union the african union and the asian union and soon this evil one world government its time to open yall's eyes and pray the world is litterally going to h**l but when you have faith in god there is going to be nothing to fear besides of course him, And if you have any questions You can contact me on my e-mail and i will answer to the best of my knowledge thank you god bless




  1. I asked a similar question about this before, no one can find any reputable citations on this.  Is your question based on that same speculation or do you have something specific to cite?  

    There is some more concrete evidence that a few European countries are planning to allow citizens to get "chipped" to keep track of credit info, ID etc...  It would all be voluntary but the plan was for them to roll it out by 2012.  

    The US has its "real ID" or whatever it is pushing on people by the same year.  

    RFID still wouldnt work inside a person.  It is far too big an operation and you need a power source.  Unless someone figures out how to either power it without a battery (using biological power etc...) or develops something to respond to power- like a detector at the store exit- that works on a much bigger scale, it still doesnt have global positioning capabilities.  It could work on a local scale, but I think the biggest range they have now is a few hundred feet.

    Please let me know if youve heard something else, its pretty interesting stuff.

  2. People like Q-burt will accept it willingly like a good little patriot, do his duty for corporate America. He's ready to turn on his neighbors as soon as the Government or whoever, tells him it's the patriotic thing to do.

  3. Tell you what...put on your tin-foil hat and head to your underground bunker for 50 years....we'll wait for you...

    William....I what is my Live?

    Bottom line is it will not succeed as long as America doesn't fall into the lull of the Liberal Socialists.  If it came down to it, we would revolt and rightly so.  This kind of ID will never happen in my time or my childs.   So why don't you keep it to yourself...

    And yes, I have read about this...mostly from conspiracy theorists like yourselves...

    Have fun

    LoL...Huckleberryjay is a weetle upset cause I cawed him a conspiracy theorist?

    Suck it up hero.  

    I would accept an implant about just as fast as you accept a bar code....and I am willing to bet you would pansey into

  4. Q-Burt. How bout you look into what he is saying and just not dismiss it as a conspiracy. It could save your life.

    No I will not get a RIFD chip.

  5. It is a nightmare scenario for any sentient being born before 1970, if that was suggested then, it would only have been for a plot of a horror film.

    And now, slowly, slowly the masses have been subdued, by TV celebrities, and war. They don't see what's going on, and don't want to.

    I like that mark of the beast chat, it fits well.

    "You have nothing to fear, if you've done nothing wrong", they even spout that themselves, these wannabe drones. Oh dear, oh dear,

  6. Christians and those who believe in the Lord will not be here to accept the chip. *EDIT*....  WHEN IT IS MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT.. *EDIT*  It will be the rapture -the disappearance of billions- that will throw the world into chaos.  That is when the Antichrist will arise through the one world government and provide false unconditional love and support for the people 'left behind'.  The people will attain great allegiance with him for he will initially do many good things.  Those who are left behind will not 'accept' the chip but rather they will demand it.

    ...see you on the other side.... hopefully.

  7. Think it will end up much like the social security number, try living in America with out one - soc. no.

  8. I'll accept it and put in my Curio Cabinet right next to the dead alien I found at a UFO crash site and my Loch Ness Monster egg.

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