
Who is going to end up owning the Predators?

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Won't Mr. DelBaggio's recievers be obligated to sell the Predators to whoever comes up with the most cash?-Or is the city of Nashville actually the team's largest creditor and thus the new owner?




  1. hopefully someone who will move them from nashville

  2. Boots DelBankrupto's share in the Preds is only 27%...  Currently there 8 in town and out of town suitors being courted..  IMO-- Bruckheimer is the frontrunner, but it will merely be used as a spring board for a team in Vegas..

    Obligated to sell--- Yes-- but not to just anyone.. Once again, the NHL B.O.G. will have to approve all new owner(s)..  This type of bankruptcy is similiar to Chapter 11 .. only difference-- the bank(s) CANNOT sell his share to the highest bidder--- An NHL team (or anyother sports franchise for that matter) can be sold to the highest bidder due to a bankruptcy-- bylaws are in place to protect every league in case of this... In a nutshell---  The league will have final say as to who can be a partial owner..

    Besides-- with only 27%-- or just under 50 Million -- being owned by Boots, The remaining group has publicly stated that if they have to they will purchase the remainder...

    So-- no worries -- unlike last summer...

    NIPS-- LMAO--- Looks like WE now own Hasek-- since we put him to pasture...  Ozzie is getting grey as well-- Shady Pines ---Here I come....

    ADD for Howlers mistress--- K C's chances dropped a bit seeing as DelBiaggio was to be their owner.. However he was being backed  (more than we realised) by AEG Entertainment-- the company footing the most bills of the construction for their new arena.. All they need to do is find a new respectable front man and they are back in the game.. AEG now has partnered with Predators Holdings LLC to bring in more revenue at the Sommet Center.. Last year concert and events at the arena were up 500%-- and the Predators get a VERY LARGE chunk of the secondary revenues (concessions, parking and about 3 or 4 more sub addendums)..

    This is the best thing that has come from Boots stepping on board-- the AEG partnership...

  3. Jim Balsillie's offer is still out there. Take the money and run. Let Batman and the gang of 30 fight that one in court or Congress.

  4. The rest of the ownership group has secured the funds to buy out DelBaggio

  5. We have talked about this many times.

    None of the NHL teams are going to move or fold as of right now. The likelihood here is the NHL is going to expand by 2 more teams with Las Vegas and Kansas City being the next 2 cities to get a team.

  6. The Wings have owned them since their inception. Why would that change now!

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