
Who is going to miss...?

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The Olympics! I'm kind of sad that its over.. It was a lot of fun watching everything going on, the wins, the loses, the controversies, and everything else that came in between! I thought it was a good 2008 Olympics!!




  1. I a hole in the head....

  2. I will. It will never be the same as Beijing. They used the Olympics to highlight the nation opening up, which no other nation will do. The Olympics MEANT SOMETHING to China, but they don't mean anything to London.

    Maybe if Rio de Janeiro wins the 2016 bid we will see another great Olympics, because it would be South America's first!

  3. i miss it alredy. But there's always the paralympics in 2 weeks time ^^

  4. Definitely! I always hate when the Olympics end. This year's was amazing, with Michael Phelps, the Redeem Team, Shawn Johnson, Kerri Walsh and Misty sure was fun. We just have to wait two more years

  5. I'm sad that it's over. The sad atmosphere of saying goodbye to Beijing and the extinguish of the flame made me feel worst.

    Just loved this lyric:

    "You and me, from one world, together we are family."

    Beijing did a fantastic job.

  6. im not really going to miss them. i was so dissapointed the softball team got silver this year. that just completely turned me off towards the olympics. besides. the whole thing was overrun with michael phelps and natalie caughlin. thats all they talked about. yeah, they both did a good job and everything, but there are other people there, you know.

    but to answer your question, im not really going to miss it.

  7. me too, it was lots of fun and i even saw a few events live, the new beijing is great.

    i'm sure the residents will miss it a lot, the streets was a lot less crowded during the Olympics.

  8. im sure going to miss the olympics!

    i believe Singapore will do a good job for the youth olympics in 2010!X)

  9. yea i miss it too,  

  10. Yes I am sad as well. It was fun while it lasted though drama and all.  

  11. I'm stoked about the Winter Olympics now!

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