
Who is going to protect us from terrorist when Bush leaves office I wish he could stay, I'm so scared?

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Who is going to protect us from terrorist when Bush leaves office I wish he could stay, I'm so scared?




  1. army, air force, navy, the cops, security agencies. not 2 4get, jason bourne and mitch rapp and jack baeur ;) :D

  2. Don't be scared, just vote for John McCain and he will continue the protection we have had with the Bush Administration from these terrorists that are out to destroy us.  If Obama gets in, be prepared that we will have an administration of appeasement and we are bound to get attacked again because the terrorists are not afraid of us.  That is why all rougue nations, terrorists groups like Hamas and Al Queda want Obama in office!  Does that tell you something?  Just vote McCain/Palin and this great American hero who loves our country and fought for it, will guide us through these difficult times.

  3. ha ha, v good. I love irony.  

  4. Yeah lot more terrorists created by bush's invasion of Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11 but least all those weapons of mass destruction worth the over 4000 dead and countless wounded americans and totally wrecking the  worlds economy  not to mention the increased oil price.

    Yeah another war mongering president should help out ! Mccain has a few things to settle with the vietnamese!

  5. Superman, Batman and Sideman. After all up until we had Brainlessman and that worked out just fine.

  6. HAHA!! That is just sooo PATHETIC!!

    As IF Bush would've done ANYTHING to protect you from terrorism! Who was the guy that was doing business with terrorists from Saudi Arabia just before September 11th and tried to get 'em out of the country before that plane-crash happened (that they don't get caught by the FBI)?

    It was MR: BUSH!

    If you still believe that terrorists live in iraq, you don't have any clue of that terrorism-stuff. Real Terrorism is domiciled in Saudi Arabia. Only there, you've got people with all that religious fundamentalism, cultural ignorance and billions of dollars!!

    BUT YEAH; SURE, let's just continue bombing some innocent countries with the excuse, that terrorism is EVERYWHERE! And who will be the next one? Japan? France? Mexico?

    And afterwards such people wonder why nobody likes 'em anymore. RIDICULOUS!!

  7. His practice of scaring American citizens with "terrorisim" has obviously worked well on you.More people hate and distrust America now more than ever in history thanks to the brainless bully G.W.B.

  8. You should be afraid very very afraid

  9. Looks like you've fallen for the politics of FEAR.

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