
Who is going to tell Palin what a vice president does - and is there even enough time?

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Who is going to tell Palin what a vice president does - and is there even enough time?




  1. d**k . . . d i c k

  2. I can tell you right now.

    The sole duty of the Vice President of the United States is in Article I, Section 3, paragraph 4, of the US Constitution: "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divide."

    There are almost never ties in the Senate.

    The VP's paycheck incidentally is issued by the Congress and comes from Congressional funds, not the Executive Branch.

    That means that the VP has no job other than what the President asks him/her to do.

    See that only took a few sentences.

    McCain should put her in charge of the US energy problem NOW.  She knows the topic inside out from hands-on experince.

  3. To lie about who and what she is.  Yes.

  4. Biden will have to run the show for Obama.  We all know he really would be in charge.  Obama's just fluff.  

  5. And...she would be President of the Senate. Does she know what a Senator does (other than building bridges to nowhere and taking money from oil companies)?

  6. It doesn;t matter if you are a republican you just BS about everything & never do any real work.

  7. President Bush can give her tips!

  8. I will.  There's plenty of time.

  9. Since she's a governor and actually runs something, she probably knows more about what a vp does that those three senators put together.

  10. Maybe there are Cliffs Notes...

    I'll feel bad when McCain calls Palin a c*nt for not getting all the reading done in 2 months.

  11. I will tell her what to do if you tell Obama to drop out because he couldn't lead lemmings off a cliff.

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