
Who is going to the Millennium Magic superleague weekend on 5th and 6th of May? 6 games for £45!!!!?

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Who is going to the Millennium Magic superleague weekend on 5th and 6th of May? 6 games for £45!!!!?




  1. I'd love to be there. Unfortunately, I will be stuck at my boarding school in Cheshire. My favourite team is Harlequins RL, because I am from London.

    I don't know why all the matches are local derbies. Won't it disappoint the fans who cannot make it to Cardiff that they will miss out on an instalment of their team's most eagerly-anticipated fixture of the season?

    Of course, the reason why Quins meet Les Catalans is because they are the only teams in Super League without local rivals.

    By the way, £45 for 6 matches is a brilliant deal.

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