
Who is going to win now: McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden?

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I want to know!




  1. O/B 08.

    Palin killed this election.

  2. Same people who were going to win before...McCain/Palin.

  3. Obama/Biden will still win, most likely.  

  4. the popular vote will be closer than the electoral vote


  5. McCain - Palin '08. McCain will thrash Obama in the Presidential debates.

  6. Palin was the best, yet biggest mistake they made. Obama will more than likely win.

  7. I think that it will be close again this year.  I think McCain/Palin will win and again the Democrats will whine.

  8. Who knows?!?

    November is not that far away. Let's wait and see...

  9. As much as I hate to say it....McCain/Palin.....I wouldn't vote for Obama/Biden either.

    I just cant wait to tell people....'You should have voted for Ron Paul.'

  10. It is very hard to vote for a party which has screwed us for the past 8 years. Even if McCain makes a good president, he alone is not the one making the desicions, his party will influence him. This was the same party that stood with Bush. After seeing the convention...Republicans view the war as success...they said if we lost who won? Osama? well neither has just made the situation worse call on war was a mistake a price which every american soldier and his family had to pay..and alss of those innocent civilians in Iraq...every one is mournign abt the loss of US soldiers and what abt those Iraq civilians whose count is 100 times more...war never solved anything the "peace" it gets along with is full of hatred.

    And how is it that the incumbent President and vice-president never showed up forteh conventions? Why? Should they not be proud of their achievement? If war is a success they why not honor the person who called for it?

    I respect McCain for the war he is. His patriotism is unquestionable but I am for Obama/Biden

  11. last i heard, Obama was 27 electoral votes away from a guaranteed win.

    whats really funny is, when the RNC went to St. Paul MN, the state of MN was a toss up state.  the RNC showed up and on the 3rd day MN is now voting Democrat.    

  12. Obama.

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