
Who is gonna win the format war....HD-DVD or Blu-ray?

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Who is gonna win the format war....HD-DVD or Blu-ray?




  1. Looks like Blue-Ray is taking the lead with Wal-Mart, Netflix, and many of your major studios like Disney going Blue-Ray exclusively.

  2. HD DVD

  3. It seems Blue Ray is heading the way of VHS and HD DVD is falling in the pit of BETA. Just like the war of video tapes in the mid 80s.

    I havent heard or read anything yet but I have noticed  the signs to come. With Walmart, Best Buy, Blockbuster, and NetFlix going the Blue Ray road and not stocking anything else of the HD DVD family, they must know something we dont. Hmm, wonder why Sony chose Blue Ray for the Playstation 3 instead of HD DVD. I see HD DVD fading fast.

    Im in the sinking boat of HD myself. I have a HD player but it seems lately all the new movies being released are only on Blue Ray and Im stuck buying regular dvd for now. BUT my hopes are up, LG has a player (BH 100) that plays both and has some decent ratings. I think I may be buying that real soon to save the fate of my HD DVDs and jumping the Blue Ray wagon. Hey, if you cant beat them...join them!

  4. If you're one of the people confused over them both,Blu-Ray has an extensive lead over HD DVD.I highly recommend Blu-Ray Disc over HD DVD.

  5. Blu-Ray just won. Walmart, the leader in DVD sales, has opted to support only Blu-Ray DVD's in it's stores. Sony has won.

  6. well one of the main reason that blue ray is taking over the industry is because it included with the sony playstation3. Yes the xbox 360 does have hd dvd capability but it an additional price and no one want the console to watch hd dvd. Just recent wal mart has sign to deal with blue ray and of course blockbuster is another supporter of the blue ray and hollywood is another to mention. Everyone is going blue ray not only because of the console war but the blue ray format hold more feature than a standard hd dvd does the blue ray hold 64 while the hd hold 16....everyone want MORE for their ray has won!!!!

  7. Obviously Blu-Ray.

  8. Blu-Ray has already won the war as of Saturday. Toshiba is expected to make the official announcement this week that they are conceding defeat.

  9. Blu-ray has won.

    Blockbuster chose blu-ray

    And the largest supplier of next-generation dvd is dropping hddvd for the most part. (best buy) They're still going to carry a small assortment of hddvd, but they're pretty much choosing blu-ray.

  10. blu-ray is BEYOND high def.

  11. Seeing as how the predictions are that Toshiba is likely to announce their withdrawl from HD DVD, I would guess that Blu Ray will win.

  12. Blu-Ray totally won.

    HD-DVD thought they could swipe it under from Blu-Ray's feet by selling their players super cheap. and slowly gaining the movie studios support. the ps3 blew HD-DVD's plans outta the water. and all the support went to Blu-Ray now Netflix and Walmart and sifting out the HD-DVDs and fully supporting Blu-ray.


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