
Who is gonna win the rugby world cup 2011 in New Zealand?

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Who is gonna win the rugby world cup 2011 in New Zealand?




  1. South Africa........ Sorry but with the quotas being introduced  and politics sticking its nose in again I honestly can't see the SA RU winning anything major again for a few years.

    That will be a shame as they were by far the Best team and fully deserved their win.

    France..... If they go back to their previous free flowing if 'SLIGHTLY' undisciplined play they will have a good chance, Although the choice of their new coach is slightly bizzare !!!!

    Oz and the AB's always talk a good game.

    The AB's should be favourites but will they bottle again, I can't see it happening again but the pressure of being the hosts will increase the expectation enourmously.

    Ozzy's again should do well but again the pressure after 2007 will be enourmous.

    If either of these sides can forget the idea that they have a  godgiven right to win the 2011 WC and play to their full potential the winner should be either of these two teams.

    (Oh and the ability to stand upright in the scrum would help or will we see law changes foisted through by the Southern Hemisphere sides totally reducing the scrum to a farce.)

    Argentina, If they keep going and get either Tri Nation or Six Nation regular COMPETIVE rugby they would be my dark horses for 2011, they were a revelation.

    Ireland & Wales, again, Could be winners but more consistency is needed from both sides, Brilliant on their day but decent coaches would help and Less politics.

    Scotland, A great Country, A great team full of spirit and Great fans but is it enough too win the next world Cup???

    England ..... who Knows which team will turn up!!!!

    We need to develop on from where we are now and set up a Decent coaching set up before we can do anything like 2003 again, Oh and stop the back biting Please.

    The rest well anything is Possible having seen some good games this time around I havent got a clue who will win 2011 but if it is half as good as france 2007 it will be a cracker.

    I cant wait

  2. Although this will be on New Zealand home soil, I believe with John O'Niell back at the helm, aussie will be able to hold onto enough depth in order to take out the 2011 rugby world cup. John O'Niell is one of the best administrators in the game and he will base enough good people with in the Australian Rugby system in order to regain the successes they had in the past under his adminstration.

  3. The South-African Spring Bokke will triumpth over those All Blacks.

  4. As always backing the hometown boys...... the ABs.

  5. NZ will like they did for the1st wrc.........i believe

  6. Probably South Africa or Australia.

    NZ will choke yet again for their double hat-trick!

  7. new zealands home ground they will be very hard to beat

  8. suppose it depends on teams arrogance and complecancy.

    NZ have the ability always to turn out a world class team every year. they just might do it on thier home soil if they keep the cool.

    SA id fooked by racist politics.

    wouldnt be surprised if australia peaked. was surprised at them this year.

    the argies have not got a structure at home to churn out another team like that. yet anyway.

    england ya never know. not likely. depends on 6 nations. alot of players leaving this year too.

    have a good feeling about france. they always have a good team also.

    and as for my own team ireland. HA!!

  9. hey thats the year i graduate . ;]

    but i have no clue.

    Good Luck.

  10. Ireland!!!

  11. Mate do you have to. We are still recovering from this one. There will be so many changes in coaches and teams nowadays 'develop' 4 year plans from one world-cup to the next. We will have more clarity in I guess 3 years from now. However, history repeat it self time and time again where the favorite does not win.

  12. Same as every world cup.. New Zealand..

    Well not quite every WC but about 16% of them, and I have a massive bet already so they better turn that into 28%

  13. OI!!!  Can we South African's have our gloating rights for a couple years before we start talking about the next World Cup???  :)

    I really would like to see the AB's take it home.  I think they deserve it.  They have occupied world number 1 for 40 months before SA just knocked them off in this world cup.

  14. Who cares, the standard of Rugby this year was c**p..

  15. Why think about 2011, The last RWC was not that long ago lets not forget that but lets give the boks the glory for the next 4 years as the reigning world champs!

    I'm a kiwi and with the home record we've got on home soil at the moment! Never been beaten at home in the last two years i think is a good sign that the team to beat in their own backyard backyard in the next 4 years are the all blacks! But lets not talk about it until 2011 because anything can happen. You just gotta look at all the upsets in the last world cup

  16. A Bit early to start calling that, a lot can happen in 4 years we still have a lions tour to look forward to, more than likely they will say NZ and like every year say that there is no-one capable of stopping them and again they will blow it!!!

  17. It will be South Africa. Hopefully against NZ

  18. New Zealand will crush every1. But go ozzy

  19. i dont think it's going to be south africa, as much as i want them to win.

    jake white is quitting, and the quotas are going up. i think it's going to be the aussies or the kiwis this time, especially it's @ NZ's homeground.

    it's still a bit early to say who's going to win...

  20. I honestly wish I could say South Africa would win it, but once again politics will be their downfall.

    If not for the interference of politics at least half of the current team would still be available to play by 2011, but SA rugby is calling for transformation and white players are leaving the country, because they don't make the cut because of their skincolor.

    All that said, with home ground advantage, I'll give it to the All Blacks - they're due a rugby world cup win anyway!

  21. Judging by the improvements they have made over the last four years, and assumIng this will be Argentina.

  22. All Blacks to maintain their unbeaten home record in the world cup. They havent lost at home since 2003 and have a good show of going into the world cup in 2011 with an 8 year unbeaten record at home.

  23. NEW ZEALAND its about time we bring it home.

  24. In 'n world where politics did not interfere with sport this team would have:

    15: Ruan Pienaar

    14: Phillip Burger

    13: Jaques Fourie

    12. A. Hollenbach

    11. Brian Habana

    10. Frans Steyn

    9. Fourie du Preez

    8. Pierre Spies

    7.Schalk Burger

    6: Juan Smith

    5.Corniel van Zyl

    4. Bakkies Botha

    3. Frans van der Merwe

    2. Chilliboy Ramapela

    1. Jannie du Plessis

  25. Well lets start on who's not going to win, and I apologies if I offend anyone it this statement. Les Pumas (Argentines) well they MAY not even repeat what they done did year in 2011 becasue their is high possibilities that the Aussie or the Kiwi's will be place in there pool. The United Kingdom's (Scots, Wales, Irish) and may be the English if they do not improved. French well they just got lucky that the ref was Wayne, they did not deserved 4th place, even the Pumas trashed them twice.

    And my top threee who will battle it out are the tri-nation, Australia - Well they came close, so close to beating England. South Africa - Good job World Camps. But the winner will be New Zealand, their last match wasn't a fair one and let's think back in the 1989 first world cup. They had won that cup after beating France in Mt. Eden (NEW ZEALAND) and in 2011 the final, with whoever, the ALL BLACKS will get the Webb Ellis throphy nack right in the place where they first won it Mt. Eden.

    So there you go. New Zealand 2011

    Well it's just my prediction but i hope it happen. It would be great if it's a homeground win twice.


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