
Who is gonna win the western derby?

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eagles can't lose much more can we take..freo are disgusting and not good but they always play good in freo have said derbys are their grandfinals, well atleast they dream cos winnign a derby is the closest thing to one they will eva get....bring it on..goooo eagles, wear ur hearts on ur sleeves




  1. It will be a nil all draw.

  2. I really hope Freo smash the " weakles " because as a club the Eagles are Pathetic.  They played Collingwood in a nail biting final last year, now they are on the bottom having only lost  Judd and Cousins  .Last week Collingwood were playing  for 4th spot against North and lost by 18 pts , following the retirement last year of Buckley Clement  and Licuria , and then last week being without , Fraser , Davis, d**k, Egan, Holland, Lonie, Prestigiacomo, Reid. Rocca and Rusling through injury.     I really believe Malthouse and his assistants,have done a MAGnificent  job, to have the Pies competitive,in the 8, and chasing a final 4 position, totally  working against the odds  with available payer personell

  3. Fremantle

  4. I am an Eagles supporter so i am oblidged to say WCE!

    I hope we do get up and beat them suckers.

  5. Personnaly, I am an Eagles fan, but I am SERIOUSLY doubting their chances against Fremantle. Although each team has lost big names, I think that the Dockers could win by 13 points.



  6. Eagles in an upset, but I really have no idea

  7. Freo should win, but not by much. Go Freo!

  8. Well they aren't playing until next weekend right? At the moment I think Freo will win, but it depends on how each team plays this round.

  9. deedubya is spot on.

    Eagles weren't really expecting this to happen. They had 2 of the best players in the league and didn't invest in too many good youngsters.

    So in answer to your question, Eagles can lose again, and they will, many times. If Freo, a 'not good' team beat you, what does that make West Coast? Freo by 28

  10. ask this next week


  11. freo 4 sure

  12. I hope hope hope that WC can win this one! What I fear is that Freo will come out with their over the top tough guy stuff and turn it into a melee (?) fest!

  13. freo

  14. eagles and freo are going bad this year but i guess freo could get over the eagles in this one

  15. apparently they're playing next week. so it depends on what sorta form they can get into this week.

    i'll pick the eagles, coz the mere thought of Jeff Farmer makes me physicall ill.

  16. I think you need to wait till next week, anyone can win but i think west coast are not playing very good football so i would have to say freo even though i dont barrack for either

  17. i have faith! eagles will win there 3rd game of the year. yay. the umpires usually favor freo in Derby's cause they fell sorry for them for no success but seeing as we are both doing absolutely shocking (I'm not ashamed to say because we've had our fair share of success). its a freo home game but i think we will have the benefit of not having traveled for the previous game.

  18. freo.   since they beat the eagles all the time you probably shouldn't be saying they are "not good" because that means the eagles are mega c**p.

  19. freo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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