
Who is great?parents or teachers or friends?

by Guest63639  |  earlier

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tell me the reason




  1. all.....equally

  2. parents r great than anyone becoz they gave u life.

    they always work hard 4 u.

  3. Parents are great who spend for you without expecting anything.  They love U and care U from the day one of your life even if U don't return the same.  Parents teach U everything in your life what is wrong and right.  They are the one whom you know first before teachers and friends.  They are the known God to us.  So undoubtadly Parents are great.

  4. friends because they can help you with anything and everything!

  5. Parents because they will be there to put up with your ****

  6. Parents because they love you unconditionally.

    Teachers because they truly want you to be the best you can be.

    Friends because they listen and give good advice, usually!

    If I had to choose would be parents.

  7. everyone ig great at their own place...u should point that things .differences .y should we share our exp to you

  8. parents

  9. parents may be a good teacher also be a good friend but no friend or teacher became a parent.also teachers are the second parent. so parent is great.

  10. This day and age it's truly hard to tell so it is going to depend on the person in questioning.

  11. Whom u think great,they are great becoz opinion changes from person to person. Some get more help from parents, some get more help from friends and some get more help from their teacher for their carrier only.

  12. How do you define greatness? I say that it is the one who goes above and beyond what is the minimal effort, and does so for your benefit, not theirs. Romans chapter 5 says, "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us".  

    Your parents sacrifice for you solely for your benefit, a good teacher goes beyond the minimum standard to make you a better student, and friends who are concerned about your welfare before their own are very rare indeed.

  13. Cant compare, Parents of course!!!!

  14. Friends.  They are the only ones you can choose and can reject if they are NOT great.  Some parents and teachers may be great, but since we can't choose our parents or our teachers, for the most part, many of us are stuck with ones which are far less than great.  If our friends aren't great it is our own fault.

  15. parents no one will love you as ur parents do.

  16. First parents, second teachers and then friends...

    there is no explaination needed.... just think and u will realise it for sure....

  17. There is no right answer for this.  It's just whoever you talk to the most about who you are.  Well... i acutally think that my parents, teachers and friends are great becuase i'm able to talk to them and ask for help.  It just depends who knows you better.  =)

  18. What!!!?

    They can all be your friends. And if your parents and teachers can't be friends, then they're not as great as they should be. But if your friends can't be teachers ever, then they're not nearly as great as they could be.

  19. Parents are great I guess, cause they can also be your teachers and friends when the situation demands.

  20. For me, it's friends.

    I'm not close to my teachers.

    My family's done nothing but put me down and make me feel flat out worthless.

    My friends, however, support me and love me. They're my light in darkness, and they give me comfort. They're loyal and true, and they're there - by choice. You can't pick your family, but you can choose your friends. I find that more... heart-felt somehow. You can't walk away from family (at least, when you're a kid still), but you can walk away from friends. Friends, however, if true, choose not to. Mine don't. By far, they're the greatest people in my life.

  21. Parents,, because of all the things they do for you

  22. ofcourse parents...........

  23. parents they teach you daily and they were and are the ones you trust...

  24. 1st Parents cause you wont appear in this world without them

    2nd Relatives cause they understand you better than friends do

    3rd Friends They cheer you up whenever you got a problem

    4th Pets They give you comfort

    5th Teachers- they don't really know who you are, they are just educators that teaches you your lessons and help you gain knowledge.

    hahaha just an opinion

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