
Who is greedier, Mo for nicking the cider, or Nicole for wanting half the budget to straighten her rats tails?

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I really wanted Rex to go for B- block and when Nicole was saying I know what he's done anyway, he'd have to let her down and show her up all at the same time ............ but he's a pr!ck, so he didn't :-(




  1. Just goes to show that people are greedy in different ways.I don't think Mo is greedy,he just has a big appetite.

  2. she has no dignity, she cried over 3 ciders

  3. Which she never did

    Her hair looked a complete mess


  4. Or Darnell for stealing that big burger and scoffing it when no-one was looking or had a chance to share it????

  5. They're as bad as each other!

    Mo as a muslim shouldn't be drinking anyway and Nicole could have worn her hair up....mind you nothing would disguise those badly put in hair extensions!  Meow!

  6. She didn't choose the luxury bedroom, Rex already did it before he told anyone about it, so you can't really call her greedy for that. I know that if it was her choice she would have chosen the luxury just for the hair straighteners.

  7. Mo is the greediest but Nicole is a selfish *****.

  8. Definitely Nicole & Rex is a mug for getting them for her. Greedy Mo makes me laugh. Everything he does is greedy and gross. Fantastic!  

  9. so glad she is gone!! hate rex 2!!!

  10. well  i  was  confused   about  the  cider  kirst   ,  i  didn't  know  who's  it was  but  fair play to Mo  for  calling her  a  spoilt  brat   she is  one  selfish  ******  that  one  

  11. I dont watch BB now as this one if full of fakes they should bring back Alexia man REAL TALK!

    But, IF and I say IF Nicola did use "half the budget" as you say so then yes that is awefully greedy of her but ah well tha rat is out now! ha ha :)  

  12. And what has she done Kirst........Put those manky old hair extensions up anyway so no need for the straighteners.....probs to far gone to be straightened now without falling out !

  13. Mo nicking cider?? You mean the same way Nicole and Rex grab the stuff every week. Did you see Nicole grab the bunch of flowers.

    Get real it's a free for all it's only a problem when Rex and Nicole don't get their own way.

  14. nichol.. she wouldn't even give 1 cigarette between Mo and Sara..

    and thats NOT hair.. her hair is cheaper and faker that Barbie's!

  15. Mo is revolting and should be removed. I can't believe just how blind the British public can be. The guy is a freak!

    M x

  16. your exactly right but what really got to me when sarah asked her for a cigarette at lunchtime and nicole said no ive only got 10 till 6pm tonight an i will smoke them all, yet the others supplied there cigarettes clothes makeup an toiletries when she had nothing the first week she went in. as for cidergate watching it on lf it was actually mo who turn it was to drink ,but good old rex changed the routine to suit his princess as she wanted a drink before she left

  17. NICOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She wanted the straighteners and the flipping cider!!! Oh, I can't wait til it restarts again soon!! Wanna see her get boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooed!

  18. Nicole but the real villain is Rex for denying the hms food just because his little princess needs hair straighteners.  He's a spineless excuse for a man.  In the diary room he tried to make light of it by putting it across as a joke on the hms but you can see right through him.  Get him out next!

  19. Nicole

  20. Nicole.

    it was one cider.

    She can have as many as she likes now shes out.

    And she knew she would go.


    And if Nicole wasn't up for eviction he wouldn't

    have go for the luxury bedroom.

    I wanted him to go for B-block too

    and cause a bunch of strops.

    Mainly from her.

  21. Its still Mo....the Fat bast......

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