
Who is happy with their rubbish and recycling collections?

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everyone is always moaning about their rubbish and recycling collections. I am happy with mine. happy to recycle and i only 1/2 fill my rubbish bin once a month!

come on, just for a change, lets hear from everyone who is happy with it all




  1. I am glad to have recycling services!Good for our planet:-)

  2. We have had a recycling program in my town for approximately 20 years and it's a very simple system, we have regular garbage pick up every Monday and every Tuesday is recycling day and switches weekly from cans/ glass/ plastics etc. one week to paper and cardboard etc., the next and when we have something unusual like an old appliance or something we just call the town and they come and pick it up. We have gotten very used to the system and it's just second nature to recycle and I can't even imagine how much material we've recycled and kept out of the landfills over those 20 years, and how much we'll recycle in the future.

  3. I'm far from happy. I want to recycle everything possible but tell me this. Why don't they take empty margarine tubs, tin lids, plastic milk bottle s***w tops, empty toilet and kitchen rolls and crisp packets. All this has to go in my wheelie bin and they want to charge for they lack of commitment. Some joke.

  4. I'm definitely not happy.  I think there is too much emphasis on recycling and not enough on reducing the waste that needs to be recycled in the first place.  I compost and recycle all the waste the refuse collectors accept, but they don't do cardboard, which i therefore have to find another way to use it responsibly, which is often difficult.  Almost all the unrecycled waste is plastic film, which i really think should be prevented by not using it in packaging in the first place.

    The collectors also fail to empty the boxes about half the time.

  5. I personnely am not happy with my rubbish and recycling collections becouse the coucil only comes every secound week yet Im getting charged far to much council tax for this I dont even have a street light out side my house.

  6. i hate ours we av just been forced in to two weekly collections one week for rubbish the week after recyclin and every week they collect the food waste bins

  7. our bins get emptied once a fortnight-im all for recycling but in summer its horrid-as much as people have tried to wrap food etc the maggots have been everywhere-not as bad in winter tho-but we have a bag for cardboard and another for paper-to keep it seperate-doesnt look good when u see them empty it in same van every time

    i agree with greyure-there is so much packaging on stuff now why arent they coming down hard on the supermarkets

  8. ours didnt get emptied last week. I was very angry!!!! AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!

  9. have no complaints with our rubbish/recycling collection

    Just wish they would come weekly for the recycling cos that bin is always overflowing whereas the normal bin is half full!

    I go to the glass bank weekly as well!

  10. They do a great job here (WA, USA).  In fact, on more than one occasion the guys have gotten my garbage cns out of thiers little hiding place next to the house when I forgot to put them out at the street.  Talk about above and beyond service!  Also, the recycling services are great too.  There is a sticker on the side of the 'bingie' that tells you what they will/won't take and exactly how they want it.  Also, If your bingie is too full every week they will bring youe another one or a bigger one.

  11. Yes, very happy with ours.  We alternate grey bins (normal rubbish) and green bins (recyclable) every other week.  We usually have just one bin bag full of normal rubbish over the two week period as we recycle everything we can.  Garden waste goes in the green bin, and glass bottles and jars, cans (crushed), and plastic containers go in the blue box, newspapers in the blue bag and cardboard under the box, all of which are collected for recycling every fortnight. Kitchen waste goes into the compost heap.  OK, so there are just the two of us, but it's easy to keep your rubbish waste down with just a bit of thought and a small amount of effort.

  12. I'm happy also Lisa. My council do an excellent job of rubbish re-cycling. We have a re-cycling bag for plastic and tin, one for glass, one for paper, a wheelie bin for garden waste, a compost bin and the household waste wheelie bin. They are (the recycle stuff) emptied every two weeks and there have been no complaints from the Chorley public, and the recycle provisions are well used by the local people.

  13. we have cans paper  and bottle banks in the village which are empted every month the money comes back to us .all food and veg waste goes on our compost heaps so very little in the wheelie bins here.

  14. Getting happier.  

    Until now we have only had a paper collection once a fortnight and have had to take plastics, glass, tins to the village - 3 miles away - to deposit in containers there.  Feel that as I have to drive it rather defeats the object.  But as of the New Year they are also collecting tins and plastics but it seems they have all to go in the same bin.  Only thing is we still have to drive with the glass to the containers.

    All veg peelings etc go in a huge compost bin which takes ages to fill.  Have a big garden so can 'hide' the garden waste in out of the way places to rot down.

    We're getting there.

  15. I am, we have weekly collections of household waste and fortnightly collections of recycling.

    I have a lot of recyling so sometimes have to take it down to the local recycling point, but I don't mind my 3 year old loves putting the glass bottles in the bottle bank and things like that, he likes to hear the smash as the go in.

    And we always have more clothes then we need so we take those to the charity shops too, he loves telling the people that he is so big now that all the clothes no longer fit him and how he is a big boy, he is so cute.

    But yes I am happy with it, the only thing I don't like is when the bin men drop rubbish out of the bins and leave it strewn all over the street.

  16. Well, I am happy with the paper collection, although I do wish people would anchor their paper on windy days.

    Even the normal bin is now acceptable for me as I don't have much to put in it.  I don't like to get too close to someone's overfilled and smelly one though.

    I'm not happy with the collection of the stuff that gets smelly (meat, fish and bones etc) most unpleasant and unhygienic, specially in the warmer weather.  Not that I have much, but it still manages to smell horrible after a few days.

    Sorry, I can't do much better than that!

  17. Our London council southwark are very good,we have weekly collection for everything,we have green household waste bin,brown garden waste bin,large blue plastic boxes for glass,tin,plastic. blue plastic bag for paper and card,and no problems with collections. only problem is that I am told it all goes to china for burning does it??

  18. hi lisa, good to here that there are people like u and me who r satisfied and happy to recycle . i will give u a tip, cut the cold drink  plastic  bottle at half length and make a small cut at the bottom of it, i do this by warming a knief  on fire and then grow plants in it. i gift these to my friends and family and they love it. lol

  19. My town does a great job. The recycling is simple, it is pretty clear what they want.

    They will take pretty much any appliance or over sized trash I can drag to the curb.

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