
Who is homeschooled? Do you like it? Are you social? How much time do you spend per day on it?

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I'd like to know what grade you are in too. PLEASE answer all of my questions. NO I am not home schooled/homeschooled. I want to be.




  1. I was homeschooled K-12 and yes, I loved it very much.  I have always been very social, but during my high school years especially I became very outgoing.  I realized most people my age were still trying to figure out who they were and what their purpose in life was, and I knew all of those things already so I was never lacking in self confidence.  I am now in college and set to graduate next December.

  2. I'm not homeschooled anymore, but I was homeschooled 7th - 12th grade.  I absolutely loved it!  I was (and still am) very social, having friends over daily and playing for hours on end!  I spent about 5 hours a day (Mon-Fri) doing "school-work".  I'm now in college and am doing very well.

  3. 1. Yes, I do like homeschooling. I go at my pace and I manage my schedule and I don't waste time.

    2. Is being social even a good thing? (at school that is). The social environment at school is not good:

    a. There are always at least some people at school from whom you can learn to do bad things. And you can be pressured into it as well.

    b. Dating is encouraged (or not discouraged) at a premature age which gives young people a false sense of what a real relationship God intended between a man and a woman.

    c. There are bullies. Some people say that without bullies, children won't get used to real life. But really, where else is there a big bully problem? In prison.

    d. There is no interaction between various groups

    e. And when children come home many of them don't sociallize with their parents or siblings. They play video games or watch TV.

    There are other reasons too.

    Also, school is SURELY not the only place to sociallize. You could volunteer somewhere for one thing. You could get involved with your church. Homeschooling programs host social events as well.

    3. Between three to four hours without breaks. But I take breaks. The comfortable thing about homeschooling is that you can manage your time. You can go somewhere in the morning without missing school work.

    4. Eighth grade.

  4. I am not homeschooled anymore i am a grown adult but this is how it use to be.

    YES i loved it!

    YES i was very social i went to homeschooling programs and i was really outgoing...

    and i would spend about 4 hours a day on school!

  5. Hey! what's up? so you want to homeschool huh? well i was homeschooled for 7 years, and i thought it was pretty cool! I'm now in grade 10, and have been IN school for 3 years. as much as i like the socializing aspect of school, it's a lot harder than homeschooling was. I took a break whenever i wanted! you can spend as much time as you want each day on it too!!! i still wish i was homeschooled. good luck!!!

  6. My 12 year old doesn't use the Internet, so you'll have to take an old mom's answer her.

    She has many friends, some of whom she met through homeschooling groups called "park day" (google "park day" and the name of your town), science classes, Tae Kwan Do classes, art classes,  friends from the neighborhood, etc.

    Her basic work takes about two hours per day - more on some days, less on others.  She takes many classes in addition to these basics.  Family discussions on art, science, literature, politics, etc are part of her education.  She volunteers at her Tae Kwan Do school several times per week.

    There is a saying, "I don't know why it's called homeschooling.  We're never home."

    Hope that answers your question.

    Be well.

  7. My homeschooler  likes being homeschooled.  I threaten to send him back to school from time to time.  He is very social.  It kept him in trouble while in public school.   Teachers really don't encourage being social during classtime.

    He spends about 3-4 hours a day on school work.

    He is in 10th grade and 15 years old.

    He plays basketball with community league and his team is in regional playoffs for the All Star team.  On the team are 3 homeschoolers, one student in Early College (program through public school) and remainder are public schooled.  You can't tell the difference out on the court or in locker room.

    All are typical kids.

  8. 1. I am.

    2. I like it a lot.

    3. I spent four hours at my friend's house today and there are four other friends -or three friends and my boyfriend- in the other room playing Mario Kart. We have six people and four controllers so I'm taking a quick break. I'm quite social.

    4. I spend about 2.5 hours a day on school work. I have some taped lectures that I listen to and homework from my math teacher. There are other things that some people would consider school, but I'm a nerd, so I think it's fun.

    5. I'm in 10th grade.

  9. Actually, I WAS homeschooled (from k to 8th grade) and I'm a sophomore now but I'll tell you my story anyway.

    Homeschooled. Hmmm. I didn't just like it. I LOVED it. I mean, the flexibility of it!! No rushing to class...I can learn in the kitchen, in my room, in the BATHROOM if I wanted to!

    Social....I didn't have like hundreds of friends but I knew people from church and stuff. What helps is if you find homeschool groups in your area. I joined two and we got together and took different classes and we went on field trips and stuff and it was so cool getting to know people who were homeschooled like me.

    I usually spent about 5 hours per day on it, not including homework...even though everything I did WAS homework.


    If you do choose homeschooling, totally make the best of it, even if people think you're weird or accuse you of being anti-social or whatever. Take advantage of the many benefits it has and oh yeah, get involved in extra curricular activities. Don't get stuck at home. haha

  10. I'm in 9th i kinda like it, I get really sick of my Sib's sometimes, though. Yes I am very social I go somewhere at lest 4 times a week if not more, I see my Friends all the time at party's, event's, yearbook meeting's, and youth group. I spend about 2/3/4 hours on school. My mom is part of a home school support group, and that is where I met most of my Friends.

    The one thing that is annoying about homeschooling, is that people always think that homeschoolers are nerdy, dorky, and just plain weird. Now I'll tel you the truth, some homeschoolers are dorky, but allot are Really cool.

  11. Don't do it!

    I (Personally) hate it....

    It was the biggest mistake I ever made....

    And no, despite what everyone will tell you....You don't get to  be social very much....Alot of people will tell you they will, I'm sorry, but I'm not naive....I don't think of people a see a couple times a week for a few hours friends, and being social....

    I usually spend about 4, or 5 long boring, same old, same old hours of nothing! Never changes! Never anything new, or exciting....

    I'm a Junior now, and I've been homeschooled since the 5th grade....

    You might love it though! I'm just giving my opinion....Most of everybody in this section disagrees with me....

    Email me if you would like to talk further about this....


    All my best!


  12. It's a 24/7 thing to unschool.  Everything is about learning and growing.  I'm a bit old to be in a grade, my kids are teens, equivalent to 9th and 10th grade.  We are all social, but prefer small groups.  

    To answer Charlene's questions...

    There are homeschool proms.  My kids have been to formals, though if they were in public school there would not have been any yet they could attend.  

    Learning more than what?  That's something no one could ever know.  

    Memories are not limited to public school.

    There are also homeschool graduation ceremonies, some large some small. Just like public school, but then if you homeschool, you have more choice.

    Sad?  I can't fathom why.

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