
Who is horace greeley?

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  1. The son of poor farmers Zaccheus and Mary Greeley was born in Amherst, NH's farm country. His schooling was intermittent, but he was an enthusiastic reader. He declined a scholarship to Phillips Exeter Academy and left school at the age of 14. At age 15 he was apprenticed to a printer in Poultney, Vermont and began learning a trade he would follow, in one form or another, for the remainder of his life.

    In 1831 Greeley settled in New York City and quickly became involved in a number of publishing ventures, including the New Yorker (1834), a weekly which was mostly comprised of clippings from other magazines that dealt with current events, the arts and literature.

    In 1836 Greeley married Mary Cheney Greeley, an intermittent suffragette. Horace Greeley spent as little time as possible with his wife and would sleep in a boarding house when in New York City rather than be with her. Only two of their seven children survived into adulthood.

    The New York Tribune, one of the earliest “penny dailies” popular in the era, was established in 1841. Greeley also would publish a weekly nationwide edition of the Tribune, which won him and his views wide recognition.

    He was not an ardent expansionist, but enthusiastically supported an orderly westward movement. He did not, however, coin the phrase, “Go West, young man,” as is frequently reported.

    Greeley flirted with utopianism, lending his support to a cooperative community that would bear his name: Greeley, Colorado. He also briefly employed Karl Marx as a foreign correspondent.

    Greeley supported the temperance movement and women’s rights.

    In the years before the Civil War, Greeley opposed slavery, but also opposed abolitionist tactics.

    Greeley was an early member of the Republican Party and, after initially supporting another candidate, helped to secure the nomination for Abraham Lincoln in 1860.

    He initially argued that the South should be allowed to secede. Later, however, he became a strong supporter of the war effort, but subjected Lincoln to searing criticism for refusing to free the slaves.

    After the war, Greeley supported a general amnesty for Confederate officials and angered many Northerners by signing a bail bond for Jefferson Davis; subscriptions to the Tribune fell by half.

    In 1872 Greeley received the presidential nomination of both the Liberal Republican and Democratic parties, but his candidacy was doomed from the start. Exhausted by the campaign and distraught with his wife's death, Greeley died a few weeks after the election.

    Horace Greeley was one of the most interesting and eccentric figures in American history. At one time or another he was involved in almost every political and social issue of his era, ranging from election reform to spiritualism and phrenology. He wore a full length coat on even the hottest days and always carried a bright umbrella.

  2. Horace Greeley was the editor in chief of the NY Times.Maybe the Tribune. In any event he received a letter from a young man who wanted to know how to succeed in life.Horace wrote "Go west young man. Go west"

  3. go west, young man, and grow with the nation

  4. He was the newspaper man who is famous for the quote "Go west young man, go west"  

    By the way, I was wondering why this question is in the Sports questions let alone Horse  racing.

    Horace does not equal Horse. The system failed you when it placed this question here....ALL IS NOT PERFECT.


  5. there is a statue of him at Herald Square in NYC.
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