
Who is hotter, Sarah Palin, Cindy McCain, or Michelle Obama?

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ALL three of them look pretty hot! Which of them do you think is the most attractive-looking?




  1. Sarah Palin :D

  2. Gov Sarah Palin and Cindy McCain both classy ladies who have loved our great nation ALL of their lives  

  3. Palin - and she's Wiser and more accomplished too!

  4. I think that both McCain and Polin are just beautiful, classy women who would follow up both Bush and Cheney's roles VERY well! They are ALL classy and add so much... however, Michelle Obama has an air of this smug arrogance that I can't stand. And she's not pretty...

  5. Palin. She was a former beauty queen. lmao

  6. I think, you have picked the wrong YA area.

    Why is it that some people don't believe a woman has anything (to offer) but b*****s and a v****a?

    I guess I'll never get it.

  7. Palin is hot but I'd have to put it up her back door...her v****a must be a cavern by now

  8. Sarah Palin would be the 1st VP to Shave Her Beaver.

    Cyndi McCain would be the first 1st Lady to Shave her Beaver.

    Cyndi and Sarah are a couple of hot banging come swallowing MILF's but they won't get elected.

  9. Sarah is absolutely gorgeous, with a natural beauty, Cindy is classic looking, Michelle,,,,,,I wont say!

  10. Sarah!

  11. sarah palin

  12. What about Jill Biden - why did you leave her off?  She is a beautiful woman as well!

    Michelle Obama is the epitome of style, class and she is built like a real woman!

    Cindy McCain is way to skinny, too much face work.

    Sarah Palin is cute for a big haired gun toting woman!

  13. Well, gee, talk about your irrelevant question.

    And are you planning to use this criterion for your vote?

    No wonder the country is in trouble......

  14. Michelle is natural and the rest well got money got surgery  

  15. Obama looks the most sluttish, so I'll take her.

  16. You know Silly, I mean Cindy ain't real crazy about this.

    Ohhh! the answer is Miss Michelle Obama

  17. Certainly Palin.

  18. Obama

  19. it's just a political plethora of fabulous MILF's.  im whipping it like a boy scout.

  20. Politics aside, Palin looks like a librarian, Cindy a desperate housewife whose life revolves around pretending that she's still 20, and Michelle a classy lady with impecable fashion sense.

  21. Sarah has had her cheeks and eyes done, so that kind of takes away from her natural beauty...Cindy McCain has had so much surgery she looks like something out of a horror movie...Michelle Obama is absolutely surgery needed!  

  22. Sarah is pretty attractive.  Then I watched that ridiculous youtube of her comments about what a VP does all day, and she became a bit hotter.  She told the guy it was "cool" that she was being investigated.  How endearing is that?  Michelle is very pretty as well, so is Cindy.  They all are pretty attractive.  I just have a soft spot for women who play sports, and I've only heard about Palin's history with basketball.  

  23. Michelle Obama.  Are you kidding?  Palin looks like the typical "plastic, defeated" Republican woman, Cindy McCain tries  Michelle Obama's face is openly honest, genuinely concerned, kind, compassionate, earnest, her eyes are exquisite, her nose is wonder Barack couldn't help himself.

  24. Michelle Obama. Her beauty is not only on the outside, but she is intelligent as well. Unlike Botox Barbie and them.


    I guess ADD and ADHD is prevalent in our country...  

  26. Palin

  27. Michelle Obama is hottest. The other two look frail.

  28. Sarah Palin.

    I note you left Hillary out.  Was that on purpose?  Ha ha.

    Which one is most fashionable? find out here

  29. McCain is a ladies man that's for sure. Palin is the best of the lot.  

  30. Well then, why don't people ask who's hotter, John McCain or Barak Obama or Mr. Palin...... sexist question and stupid at best.......

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