
Who is hotter?: David Beckham or any of the Jonas Brothers?

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Who is hotter?: David Beckham or any of the Jonas Brothers?




  1. The Jonas Brothers can't bend it back.  DAVID BECKHAM is hot.

  2. David Beckham obviously

  3. I like guys past puberty........hands down Beckham

  4. the kitchen is really hot too.REALLY HOT!!


  5. o_O Beckham by a LONG run

  6. not the jonas brothers.

  7. wow david beckham, no contest.

    come on

  8. David Beckham is very nice looking, but I don't really like him or his wife.  Or any of the Jonas brothers.  

  9. sorry i'm not g*y

  10. Beckham of course! How are they even in the same category? The Jonas brothers look like Bjork!

  11. Beckham

  12. Jonas Brothers All The Way

  13. of course david beckham!!!!!!!! he is so hot! :))

  14. beckham, at least hes talented

  15. the jonas brothers suck

  16. JOE JONAS!!!!

    JOE JONAS!!!!

    JOE JONAS!!!!

    JOE JONAS!!!!

    s**y beast! :D

    & he has the most gorgeous eyes...


  17. my dawggg

  18. David Beckham.  ALL of the Jonas Bros are UGLY

  19. im a guy and even ill say david beckham JUST because the jonas brothers suck so much. to clarify, im not g*y or even close. youll figure it out if u look at my q&a. i hate the jonas brothers with a passion. thats all it is

  20. Jensen Ackles.

  21. the jonASS brothers cant even compare to david beckham

  22. It's like comparing a nice juicy cheeseburger to p**p. Hmmm...which one would I choose.

  23. Beckham, with out a doubt

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