
Who is hotter chris brown or zac effron?

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Who is hotter chris brown or zac effron?




  1. I'd have to say Zac Efron.

    Perfect bone structure.

    Perfect body.

    Perfect hair.

    Perfect skin.

    Perfect blue eyes.

    Perfect gentleman.

    Perfect attire.

    Perfectly successful and talented; he can sing, dance AND act.

    Nothing left to be desired, in my opinion.  

  2. Zac..duh!!!

  3. none

  4. zac for sure but they are both cute

  5. i wouldn't kick either of them outta bed :)

  6. it as to be chris brown

  7. Okay, I don't think either of them are hot. But, that's just my own opinion.

  8. Definitely Chris Brown. Zac is too tan, too fake-looking, too overly-styled hair, wears WAY too much makeup for a guy, sings like a girl, dresses like a metro, and hes just soo weird. Chris B is way hotter and more real.

  9. zac

    he is hot

  10. Chris

  11. Chris Brown---his talent, looks, and most of all charisma

  12. ZACHARY  

  13. definitly zac

  14. None. =(

  15. Definitely Chris Brown. No doubt about it!

  16. zac

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