
Who is in a better position, to tell you about something?

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A person standing outside?


A person who is inside, working and studying a topic?

A civilian doesnt know about military life better then an army person.

A person who has never gone to medical school doesn't know about, brain surgery better then a doctor.

Please tell me. How an anti feminist could know feminism better then a feminist?




  1. Exactly! Well put!  Anti-Feminist are just furthering their radical beliefs to twist others against feminist by perpetuating extreme lies and attempting to convince other women that if they believe feminist ideals no man would want to be with them.  If you want to know about the many forms of feminist do research or ask a feminist but stay away from the anti-equal rights movement freaks who wish nothing but to put women back into forced traditional roles.  Not that traditional roles are bad but they should be the choice of the women and her mate.  Feminism is all about choice; so everyone deserves to make their own.

  2. Both Feminists and Anti-feminists can put on blinders and only look at the sides of arguments that they want to see

    Some one deeply entrenched in feminism can easily let their views taint their perception of the outside world; forcing everything that happens into a an act of oppression or gender issue

    Just because some one Is against feminism, doesn't mean that books written by feminists burst into flames when they try to open them or web sites with a feminist bend don't load on their computers.

    Its only ignorant Ideologues of either persuasion who beleive that only people who think the same way as themselves have a monopoly on the truth and opinions worthy of being listened to

  3. A person who is inside, working and studying the topic will only say things positive about that group. He runs the risk of sounding like a hypocrite if he brings out the negatives of that group, or worse still, he may be called a traitor.

    The one that is standing outside has a better chance of finding both the positives and negatives of the group and therefore know better about the group and can articulate that without fear.

    Stereotyping is not the domain of the non-femminist. Femminist here indulge in mass stereotyping too (for example, calling someone uneducated/misogynists because they werent femminists etc). Proofs are available in plenty.

    Edit - J and Blah for the best answers.


  4. The only ones who can give an honest unbiased opinion is the person who hasnt had much experience and does not have an opinion yet but listens to both sides then decides.

  5. Interesting point, but have most feminists on here actually studied feminism to a great extent? I doubt it.

  6. I'd say a fanatical insider with massively biased opinions is far more likely to give an honest, impartial representation on a subject.

  7. I'm with Johno.

  8. This question is very easily answered. The reason Anti-Feminists know feminism better than most feminist is because we see the destruction. Feminism is destroying the White Race and that is obviously a problem. Feminist are so stuck on themselves and their careers that they do not realize how bad they are hurting the White Race. It is estimated that within 5 Generations there will be no Pure White Race. This is due to Abortions, and career decisions. Many women choose a career over a family and when they get pregnant they have an abortion. That does not help anyone at all. The Feminist that are career oriented that do have children normally have very little contact with their children because their career takes up their time. How can a child properly grow and develop without a mother?

  9. I think people are smart enough to use their individual choice and that being an expert doesn't guarantee you know also can mean that folks are biased.

    Please think if you also agree with the following:

    -  The best people to tell us about how wrong murder is are murderers and murder victims.  

    -  That politicians are the only ones who can tell us about new laws.  

    -  That only official government sources should be used to stop government corruption (Whistle blowers are probably just disgruntled and not telling the truth.)

    -  The president is the one who can best tell us how well they are doing (Mission Accomplished!)

    -  "X" religion is the best religion to tell you about what happens when you die.  (And you better listen otherwise you are goin to hail!)

    As you can see, position does not always guarantee knowledge on a topic or lack of bias.

  10. Obviiously the person on the inside. But sooo many times you see questions or statements directed about feminism, by anti feminists. Such as 'Why do feminists think this (insert negative bizarre idea??' when the only person suggesting it is the anti fem.

    I'm not a feminist but I don't agree with prejudism - out of all the fmeinist on here I have never heard any wierd, man hating comments - only from anti fems.

    EDIT: I understand some peopels points of listening to both sides - but when it comes to a certain group or way of thinking, the only people you can ask about that are the members. For example a religion - don't ask me about hinuism because I'm not hindu, I know nothing about it, what hindus do or think or believe in so I have no authority to talk about it.

  11. I think it's good to listen to both arguments and then form an opinion.

  12. Actually, the person who knows best is the one with most objectivity - so an impartial bystander. So someone neither feminist nor anti-feminist who has studied feminist would be the best source of information.

    i.e. Criminologists know more about the prison system and it's affects than any one criminal inside the system.

  13. The person in the best position to tell you about something is someone who has been on both sides of the aisle, or has at least been exposed to both of them in significant amounts.

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