
Who is in charge of the trouble caused in ireland?

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I haven't got a clue. I have searched it but nothing interesting came up. Could you Please tell me or give me info




  1. the English decided 800 years ago to come to Ireland and take over us. We would not lay down with out a fight.

    Irish born and bred.

  2. Too complicated to go into here .... try wikipedia and Ireland, and search through Irish history.

  3. No one is in charge. That's a daft way of putting it.

    Interesting to note that someone here says the Unionists are Irish catholics!!! wow - Ian Paisley and his band of unmerry men are Irish catholics...interesting.

    It's wrong to generalise in the all Protestants are Unionists and all Catholics are republican/nationalist as that is just not the case.

    The last bout of Troubles started back in 1968 caused by  the realisation that Catholic families were not being awarded civil rights in regard of housing in Northern Ireland. Thus started the rise of IRA, PIRA, UVF, UDA etc etc. I would suggest looking up the CAIN website for more info - Wikipedia is rubbish.

  4. both sides the english and the irsh.....the irish for fighting to get back the rest of our country and the land but the english brought it on them selfs when the took the landin the first place

  5. well, nobody- p***e- is "in charge".  the Troubles (as the turbulent period mainly during the 80s) is a result of a rift between the Irish Catholics, and English/Irish Protestants.  b/c the N.Ireland is under the UKs rule it is predominantly english protestant, the unionists (mainly irish catholics) wish to see the entire island of ireland reuinted under the rule of the irish free state (or republic of ireland, whose capital is dublin) this anomisity is said to have existed for up to 800 years but in contemporary history really showed itself in the early 1900 (1916  easter rising, civil war in the twenties, etc.)  it is not only a religious issue as some believe but also a social, political and economic issue.  search places on the web such as msn encarta for irish history and the Troubles.  wikipedia isn't too credible as it can be edited by anyone (and this topic is controversial).  there are answers out there- not sure about "interesting" though i personally find it interesting- keep looking

  6. King Leprichaun and his army of gold coins.

    I assume you are American so I gave you an answer you will understand.

  7. nobody and everybody. lol i no thats not very informative but it is true.. here's more information

    English monarchs made it worse

  8. The people involved in keeping it going.  Most people both north and south of the border want to live ordinary lives, go to work in the morning and come home at night, living in peace.  It is just the few diehards and hotheads who may believe they are doing something worthwhile, though I suspect that somewhere along the way, someone is making money out of it, and that is the bottom line for their "patriotism".

    Historically, when the English invaded and took over (about 800 years ago)  they treated the Irish people very badly.  During the famine years when the potato harvest failed, it is well documented that shiploads of grain and other agricultural produce were being exported, while access to them was refused by the landlords even though it was the same starving tenants (dispossessed of their own lands by the invaders) who had produced the crops.  Such poor treatment (and more) did nothing to endear good relations between the Crown and Ireland.

    Nowadays, things have changed and we are no longer a subservient people being exploited.  There is no logical reason for the "trouble" to continue.  Where someone is perpetuating trouble  -  I suspect greater allegiance to their pocket than to the cause.  After all, the proceeds of bank robberies etc. have to be somewhere  ...   someone is benefiting.

  9. It was all started when the Roman catholic church had a policy to sexually assault children and recruited pedophile priests from Irelands huge pedophile community,

  10. i don't understand your question, Who is in charge???

    the troubles in northern can be traced back over 800 years to the first occupation of this island by the British; this website presents a short overview of the 20th century in Nothern Ireland

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