
Who is in the wrong in this situation?

by  |  earlier

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that question provides most of the details, but I would like to add that the shop owner started yelling at me when I wasn't even trying to start a fight I was just concerned about public safety




  1. It may have been the approach used to tell the shop keeper of the error.  First of all once the water was already on the ground there is nothing that can be done about so in their opinion what can they do....then the comment about slipping and suing most likely made them nervous so it upset the shop owner and that is why they didn't want you to come back.  Perhaps the better way would have been to say ...I really like shopping at your store.  It is lovely and the staff is very accomodating here.  I noticed some water out front and I know it may not be a big deal but my friend here is fragile and I was hoping that something could be done to avoid future incidents.   I just want to be able to get around safely and I appreciate anything that you guys could do...can you help me with this...then wait for their answer.

  2. You ask who is in the wrong  in that situation. Probably the shop keeper is, but then you are also perhaps making a mountain out of a molehill. It is very probable that after you had drawn her attention to the fact that she was doing wrong, despite her defending herself she would not repeat her mistake. So you have probably achieved what you set out to in making her aware that she was doing wrong and you should let it rest at that and devote your time and attention to something more worthy thereof in future?

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