
Who is in the wrong?

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Say you have two people, person A and person B. Person A and person B make plans to go to the beach. Person A wants to leave at 10:00AM. Person B gets distracted by something and 10:00AM roles around and person A just sits there and never once says "Hey, come on, let's go to the beach." By the time person B is ready, say an hour later, person A says "Nope, too late." Person B asks why it's too late, being the beach never closes, and person A says "Because," and person A says ok fine. THEN person A proceedes to grab towel and keys and says "Come on, let's go" even though said person already said they didn't want to go, because it was "too late". Person B declines since person A already said they didn't want to go anymore, but person A insists and so they go but person A is acting unhappy about it the entire time.

Is person A unreasonable because they did not alert person B that it was time to go, didn't want to go an hour later because it was "too late", proceeded to go anyway at own insistence, and then acted upset about it the entire time.

Or is person B unreasonable for not being ready by 10:00AM and becoming frustrated with person A because they should have just said "Come on, it's 10:00AM, let's go!"




  1. I also think you are person B, and the story tilts in your favor.  

  2. Person A shouldn't act like that. Person B is in the right, but person A on reflection has an argument too. Both persons A & B were both being a bit selfish too by not asking person C if they wanted to go to the beach. C could have taken D & they would have all had a nice time. But D doesn't like the way A drives, A has a bad driving history &

    C gets car sick anyway.Well say B sat next to D then changed places

    at 10.AM: what then? Who is then going to say ' let's go'?

  3. Wrong? I find there's no wrong, because timing sucks so let's bygone as bygones. Seriously, I wish you all didn't take it hard on yourselves both... I don't understand why you ask to see who's to blame but the answer is no one to blame. Why it is so? They were planning to go to the beach together with no hard feelings, there's no need to point blame, that they have kind intentions to go to beach together. Since person B is distracted that person A unable to cope well, please don't make things hard for yourselves both, there's no need to put blame that you both have time to go to beach as beach unable to walk away at other day. There's no wrong that they both need practice on time management and beach have no legs.

  4. Sounds to me like Person A and Person B are intimate partners and I had lots of fights like this and similar scenarios but ultimately one us lets go of our ego cause we both love each other.

    You both are wrong.

    Sorry its my experience :)

  5. I say both are being unreasonable and childish about it.

    Person A could have easily reminded Person B about the time. However, Person B could have made a point to be punctual, and keep to the agreed time.

  6. Ok, both are being silly.

    A should have alerted B.

    However, B should have also been ready.

    A should not have acted like they did.  To me it sounds like they were hoping B would insist, and when B didn't they had to do it.  Then, A didn't want to let B think it was all ok, so acted put out.

    B should have been ready, but A should have made it clear what A wanted.

    A is acting immature.  Both should get over it.   This is the kind of thing that 13 year olds do, whose fault that is, I don't know.  

    Bon chance!

  7. They are both wrong, but person A is more wrong.  Person A should just say to person B that they are tired of person B always being late.  A lot of people aren't comfortable with confrontation like that, but that is the mature thing to do.

  8. How important is this on the grand scale of things? I would say not very. What is done is done. Let it be a lesson for both people to not rely on each other but to rely on themselves. Person A should have spoken up and Person B should have made an attempt to be ready at 10 am unless person B forgot or lost track of the time.  

  9. I think you are person B.

  10. I think both A and B are wrong. Person B was wrong to make everyone wait, but person A was wrong to be a biznitch about it. Both person A and B are being silly about something that doesn't really matter, and I hope they realize that.  

  11. It sounds to me as though B is chronically late and A is getting frustrated with it. Still, it would be more mature to say something directly. What you describe is passive-agressive behavior and it's immature. Chronic lateness is also immature. Both A & B need to grow up.

  12. person B is wrong and rude.....person b made it look like person A wasnt important enough to think that they made plans and may be ready to go.

    and who cares who was sitting where......personB....WRONG...!

  13. I'm one of those 'on time' people who would appreciate a phone call if someone is not going to make it on time but I'm not so inflexible that going an hour later is going to make much difference.

    I would have to say person B is in the wrong for not calling you to say they would be late.

  14. Both A & B decided to go at 10:00, so it was B's responsibility to get ready on time (not to be reminded like a child).  B should have appoligized when he realized he was an hour late, not make it seem like it was no big deal since 'The beach never closed', he should have realized he was rude and yes, his friend had a right to feel put out or even cancel on him.  

    A had every right to be upset and it might have been avoided if B had taken responsibility for his own mistake and not acted as if the world revolves around him and it's no big deal.  It has no bearing that A was there, it just shows that B is not a dependable person and A does not want to have to treat him like a child to have a friendship, apparently this is a pattern with this person.

  15. Person A is acting very immature. Sure, it would have been nice for person B to be ready on time, but Person A could have just alerted them about the time and prevented the whole thing from happening. Instead, person A knowingly chose to cause a fight. Furthermore, Person A is an air head for jerking person B around like that. And last, person A is again immature for putting on a show of grumpiness rather than just enjoying the day at the beach and letting bygones be bygones.

    I hope you're person B.
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