
Who is in trouble?! I think we all are!!!?

by  |  earlier

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This kid goes away on vacay with his fam. His fam gives a friend (whos our age) the keys to the house to watch the dog. well then the kid throws a party and there were lots of ppl there. The mom wants to press charges only on some of us...some of the kids who were there are kids of family friends etc. but if she presses charges don't we all get in trouble AND doesn't she have liabiliyt cause its her house ?




  1. unless there was some kind of damages to her property and/or alcohol poisoning/ drug OD, it should all blow over. I'd get together and write appoligie letters and be sincere. good luck  

  2. You're all in trouble, but maybe not legal trouble.  What is she trying to charge you with?  There is no trespassing because she gave the keys to the one who threw the party.  Everyone else was invited, and will deny knowing that he wasn't allowed to have a party.  If anything was stolen, only the one with the keys is responsible.  

  3. I'm no lawyer but I play one on TV. The fact she gave the key to the "friend" infers permission to be at the residence. While common sense and good judgment dictate he had no right to invite others, the people who were invited to the residence by the person having permission to be there would not have committed a crime. This should be a learning experience for the people who give their key out to kids..

  4. She goes after the keyholder for sure.  His parents are not gonna wanna foot the whole bill and they will go after the party goers.  She has no liability in arranging for care of the dog unless she knew this kid had done this kind of thing before or, had some reason to believe that he was irresponsible before she gave him a key.  She is the victim.    

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