
Who is in trouble here cause i think errrrybody is!!!?

by  |  earlier

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This kid goes away on vacay with his fam. His fam gives a friend (whos our age) the keys to the house to watch the dog. well then the kid throws a party and there were lots of ppl there. The mom wants to press charges only on some of us...some of the kids who were there are kids of family friends etc. but if she presses charges don't we all get in trouble AND doesn't she have liabiliyt cause its her house ? ps we were drinking!!




  1. The main ones in trouble will be the kid with the key, the kid who had the party if different and the person who furnished the alcohol.  She can also file charges on a specific person who might have caused extensive damages to her home if she can prove it.  

  2. Well, you ALL broke the law by drinking under age, and being in someones property who didn't want you there.  The kid is not the owner of the home, and the home owner had TONS of liability while all you dippy kids were breaking the law in HER home.  You all put her in a SIGNIFICANT amount of danger, because if one of you irresponsible little twits drank yourself to death, or fell off her staircase and broke their neck, SHE could be sued!!!  Now that none of you DID any of those things, she can press charges to SHOW you what a BAD situation you put HER in.  

    All of you have no respect, and ALL need to learn a HUGE lesson in responcibility.  I suspect not a ONE of you even THOUGHT about the danger you were putting the homeowner in, cos it's "ALL about you" when you're under age and trying to get drunk.  Pretty pathetic.

    She can probably press charges on whoever she wants, hopefully your friends will all come out about what happened as they each get into trouble so everyone can learn their lesson from this.

    You should respect people's property, and follow the law.  If you don't, when you DO grow up, NO ONE will trust you, and you will have proven that they shouldn't.  

  3. Actually the kid that was given the key would be the one in the most trouble.

    They gave him permission to care for the dog, that's it.

    No, the family will not be in trouble just because it is their house. Pretty much everything is going to fall on the kid with the key.

  4. She doesn't have liability. She did not authorize the party. She is the victim. All persons were trespassing at the party. The boy with the keys has a lot more liability and breech of trust. If things were stolen or damaged, any and all of you could be criminally responsible. You all knew you were not supposed to be there.

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