
Who is insane? Does your classification differ from the legal definition or DSM notions of "mental illness"?

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DSM=Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Just curious to know what you all think :-)

Thanx for your answers :-)




  1. I do not like the term "insane" to describe people with a mental illness, I actually find it really offensive.

    I like the DSM to describe mental disorders because they shouldn't be all grouped under one derogatory term.

    that being said, I don't think people should ever be identified by their illnesses or problems, they are human beings and their illness is not who they are as a person.    

  2. By my definition most people are insane, as in "not totally sane".   Especially when it comes to religion and politics.  My psychiatrist daughter corrects me - I think by defining "sane" as "able to function in a particular society".   Perhaps Robbie Burns had it right - "All the world is mad, except thee and me - and even thee's a little q***r!"

  3. nowadays i don't think that there is a legal definition or classification of people being insane

    in the past insane used to refer to people with a broad range of mental illnesses from people with depression and anxiety to people suffering schizophrenia to people with ADHD

    the general public's view of people who are insane would be anyone who does not conform to their idea of what is 'normal', this might just mean that the person is a little bit different or that they are suffering from a mental illness

    the definition of insane really does vary from person to person and i don't think that it is appropriate to label anyone as insane

  4. mental illness is not a synonym to insanity. it can be a result of certain mental illnesses, but saying someone has a mental illness is not the same thing as saying someone is insane.  

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