
Who is involved with nuclear energy?

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l dont exactly know if it the goverment is in charge or a certain group. Who runs nuclear energy i guess is a better way to put it.




  1. I believe it depends on the use of the nuclear, I know it is mostly regulated by the Federal Government... Their is a company in the town I live in that manufactures materials for use with nuclear energy.

  2. It's complex, but essentially all facilities that handle and use materials that emit radioactivity have to be licensed for safety (and presumably security) by the US Department of Energy.  Beyond that, nuclear-powered electric utility plants are usually all privately-owned (or owned by state electric co-ops, or some such.)  And I believe that except for some US Government-owned research facilities, pretty much the same is true for the factories that make nuclear weapons.  But the control and licensing is still with the Federal government, through the Secretary of the Department of Energy, which regularly inspects all licensed facilities.  The US military has its own set of controls, I believe.

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