
Who is it that gave you life?

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I've seen many people say god gave them life. How? My parents gave me life, their parents gave them life etc etc. I see no other logical explanation.




  1. Well besides the obvious answer my mother and father, but if you're stalking spiritually I do believe that other forces where at work, during the "Big bang". I feel naive almost, beleieving there was nothing else to it.

  2. parents

  3. that which gave me life is not a who, but a what.  

    Life is not a given thing, it is an occurrence that comes about when the necessary elements come together through millions of years of change, the coming together of carbon compounds and organic molecules, to form life which eventually evolved into you, me, Obama, Queen Elizabeth, and every creature that lives or ever lived, or ever will live on planet Earth.

    Who gave me life?  The cosmos.


    Lady Morgana

  4. The combined sperm and ova from your parents gave you physical life (the same as the same combination from a male and female dog would begin) God however gives you a spirit at the very moment the physical life begins. It is that spirit that makes us emotionally and spiritually capable. We are the only creation that is given this gift. It is this spirit that makes us different from the animals.

    In the Bible, God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, so he obviously created the physical abilities to do so.

    When believers in God say that God made them, they are referring to the spirit. Although some of us may be a little less than brilliant from a scientific standpoint, we do know where babies come from.

  5. don't try to under stand religion you will go mad and become a terrorist its not worth it all religions sux my advise is to stay out of it

  6. I got my life from my parents.  So far I haven't gotten squat from God but neither has anyone else I know.

  7. God through my parents. yes it's true my parents had a lot to do with giving me life but it's by God's grace that i am able to live.  

  8. Me mammy and the b@st@rd (oops sorry, my father) :)

  9. My dad and mom gave birth to me but God gave me life.  God formed me in my mother.  He truly gave me life when I accepted Jesus into my heart.  With out God you can call it living but if you don't know God then your life will be wasted and you will learn what total loss is.

  10. Well, I believe in god, and Adam and Eve. So techincally, he gave us life... however that is just my belief, so that's what I think.

  11. My parents after getting a little too frisky.

  12. God gives the gift of life.

    Howeverr your parents deliver it.


  13. It's easier to say that God, an all-knowing, celestial being, gave you life; instead of the imbeciles that are your parents.

  14. Remember that whole free will thing, Christians? Your mommy didn't have to have you. She didn't have to carry you for 9 months in her belly. She didn't have to push you out. She didn't have wipe your butt, feed you, rock you to sleep, or read you bed time stories. God may have put you here, whatever. BUT YOUR MOTHER AND YOUR FATHER GAVE YOU LIFE. Although I'm sure if you prayed hard enough when you were an itty baby that God would send an angel down to come get you.

    And Sarah R, I'm sure your mother appreciates the fact you think she's a goddamn mailwoman.  

  15. You are right.  What amazes me is, its a totally unbroken trail from you or me or any of us, back through the history of our human race, back to even the time of the dinosaurs, back all the way to billions of years ago when some chemicals coalesced and began a self sustaining reaction somewhere.  Its incredible, an unbroken chain going back billions of years.  We do get into big questions, though, like could life have gotten here on a meteor from space, or maybe left here accidentally or on purpose by some visiting interplanetary travelers?  Or maybe there actually is a God who did it--He or She would probably be different from the God portrayed in the Bible but its still possible--or at least some entity we might think of as a God.  

  16. God and Mother gave me my physical life.

    Jesus gave me new (spiritual) life because I'm born again.


  17. How can two monkeys give birth to a human? Can a human and an ape have offspring? Tarzan was adopted by monkeys not born from them. Can a human born from apes live off of its' mothers breast milk until old enough to eat solid bananas? If a human male baby was born as a fluke from a gorilla whats the chances of a female human baby being born from a different family of gorillas to grow, meet and later mate to start the human race?

  18. My parents, and they've continued to play an active (if sometimes unappreciated) role in my life since then.

    Sometimes I think they deserve a medal for putting up with me.

    Good people.

    Good role models.

    They made me the Animist I am today.

  19. Who gave the FIRST parents [Adam and Eve] their life? Genesis 1:26,27.  That's a lot easier and rational an explanation than the evolutionary hypothesis which more and more scientists are (behind closed doors, of course) having serious misgivings about.

  20. According to your logic you come from an endless line of people, which is correct to a certain extent. But with this line of thought the next question becomes, 'is this line endless or did it have a beginning?' we know that it has to have a start, it can not be endless because if one person comes forth from another person, how does this cycle start? If this cycle started from 'nothing,' what was the source of the 'something' from which it began? Even if you say it started with a germ and throughout billions of years of evolution we finally came... humans exist, I could maybe except this logic too, maybe. Yet even a germ would have to have a source, where did this germ come from. Substance does not come out of non substance because non substance does not produce anything due to it not existing.

    So you come from your parents who came from theirs and so on. It's a domino effect. Yet even for the dominoes you need something to place them, and something to knock them over so that they begin a chain reaction motion. Where did it all start from, what started the chain reaction?

    If within your power of intellect you are unable to come up with a reasonable answer, you are not using your intellect to its full potential. Even Plato, a guy who lived 2500 years ago knew the answer to the source of all things and all he had was his intellect going for him. You have your intellect and science to help you (his science to ours is a speck of dust compared to the moon).

  21. I see what you mean.your parents created you.your parents' parent created them and so on.If you  continue to the end of this line you will see adam and eve.GOD created adam and eve.

  22. God blessed them with the gift to produce you and I. True, our mums and dads created us, but it was God that gave them the ability to.

  23. An egg and a sperm. So not who, but what. As as to their original genesis, no one really knows. but I don't believe there was necessarily anything supernatural involved. In time we may find out--or not.

  24. My father gave me half my genes, my mother the other half.  I grew into a fetus and then a baby, and have been increasing in stature ever since.

  25. Somebody called Paul Humphries saved me from drowning whilst I was on a swimming trip to the local swimming pool in East Ham in  London when I was in the scouts as a kid - ok?!!!

  26. God created Adam and Eve and they disobeyed God so one of punishments is that Eve will have pain in childbirth.So God created you.

  27. God gave me my soul, my parents only gave me life on earth. We will all die, our soul is forever hopefully with God in heaven.

  28. Yep - my mum and dad are the ones who can take the credit or blame for that. A mythical supernatural creative entity? I don't think so.

  29. God gave you life Threw Adam and Eve, if you imagine each of us is unique we have been able to make threw the flood two world wars and the rise and fall of 7 empires in the last 6000 years and we have been chosen to be here at this time and this place, and make your choice for standing for God or not, kinda interesting to me as an american My great great grand parents were not from this country they came from England and ireland. and of the millions of cells that give life you beat the odds and reach the egg first and formed a tiny human being with your own genetic code that would go to the moon and back three times, I see the trees filled with life and animals how you can't see that God gave you a life is interesting, the evidence is all around you just like the wind you can't see  it you can't grasp it yet it's there and you benefit from it's life giving oxygen do you believe the oxygen gives you life? you can see it so it must not. xz  

  30. My parents were part of the process to produce a body, then they taught me which helped give me access to life. But I am not my body, so life must come from another source..

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