
Who is it that you care for the most?

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Who is it that you think of all the time? and why?




  1. my kids....for every reason every other parent does.  

  2. It's all about me - I'm recently single and loving it... for the first time in 3 years, I'm the one that someone thinks about the most.

  3. I care about everybody in my life. But the people I most care about are my children, husband, my family, and of course my in-laws. I think about my family members all of the time because I love them.  

  4. my parents  i love em  and love to be around them they are the gates of my past and the openers of my future

  5. My Boyfriend.

    When people say my name they atomaticly think of him & vise versa.

    I love him & i know we'll always have something for each other.

  6. Has to be my parents. They have done so much to help me during my life.

  7. Myself, because I am the only person that cares about me and that I can rely on.  Unfortunately!  Sad but true!

  8. This guy...because I think I love him.

  9. My children and my husband

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