
Who is killing the small, inexpensive electric car?

by Guest65454  |  earlier

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(please note that the passe movie "who killed the electric car?" is outdated and biased toward GM's very expensive, luxury electric car. People new the VW Beetle version of the electric car. Big oil, GM (Obama friend), and auto insurance plus the main media conglomerate TimeWarner stand in the way. They help the U.S. Congress make important decisions. Yipes!




  1. I just saw It on TV,

    don't give up on it yet.

    My question is,

    what would happen doing a thunderstorm,

    doesn't electricity attract electricity?

    Maybe that's a fear.

  2. i am

  3. Why haven't you put it on the market?

  4. Lack of generating capacity.

    One of the very large disincentives to the electric car is that our electric generating capacity is stretched almost to the breaking point.

    If we had even 5% of our cars as electric, the additional demand on our generating system would crash the electrical grid.

    Especially with high gasoline prices the automobile companies could sell all of the electric cars they can make because an electric car costs a small fraction of the cost to run a gasoline powered car.

    However the automobile manufacturers know that if they flooded the market with electric cars we do not have the generating capacity or the transmission capacity in the electrical grid to handle the additional electrical demand to recharge all of those electric cars.

    We would have blackouts several times a day because of the overload to the power grid and our generating capacity if we even had 5% of the cars as electric.

  5. Rust.

  6. it is another dog that will never hunt !how about 50 million people plug in at nite,the grid would fry !NO YOU CANNOT EXPAND IT ! another stupid idea promoted by dreamers..........

  7. Big Money Interests stand firmly in the way. Welcome to life in the big city, babe!

  8. Sledgehammers.

    That I use to smash them.

    They have no range. If you want to take a 100 mile trip forget about it.

  9. The big oil lobbies.

  10. IT should look like a car it is the person who approved design who is at fault.looks draw interest.

  11. It is probably many people and organizations, but when you ask a question like this, you could try to figure out who would benefit from the action.  If you follow the money, it will always give you some answers.

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