
Who is likely to light the Olympic cauldron tomorrow

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Well its a secret but lets have a little game to see whos closed.

G.W. Bush 10000000:1

Chairman Mao 10000000000:1

Relation of Chairman Mao 1000:1

The DL 10000:1

The monkey king 5:1

Jade Emperor 10:1

One of the girls in Edison Chen photos 100:1

Earthquake survivor or rescuer 2:1 (no joke intended here)

Non-Chinese citizen billion billion to 1

Some Tibetan 20:1




  1. Hey, I believe you are a funny guy and just want to have fun. I personally don't feel offensed by the list.

    * Many say it is going to be a former top athelet, such as Li Ning.

    * Some proposed Panda.

    * And it can be earthquake survivor.

    I think all these 3 choices make sense and I think the real one must be among them. I personally like the Panda idea the best, coz it is one symbol of China and it has a tie to the earthquake as well.  

  2. Xu Hai Feng or Li Ning or Fu Ming Xia - I guess

    But I hope that Lang Ping would be the one, but obviously she won't get the chance to do so.

    P.S to the one above me,

    Mr. Hex got bad influence from me.  Actually, I am the one who posts silly questions and answers and also a top contributor here.  My bad!

  3. do you actually think this is funny? or do you have so much time on your hands that you'll just sit there and mock at others' culture and history?

    china is going to prove everybody wrong this time. please do not make judgements before you haven't even seen the Games. but then again, the stereotype of china is that everything they do is wrong. so i'll bet that no matter how lavish the Games are, people like YOU can still find fault with it. it's called in chinese' trying to take bones out of an egg' (literally translated)  

  4. i want jackie chan too

  5. Hmm...I didn't see your question as offensive, so I'm not sure why others did. Anyway, I agree that an earthquake survivor would be a good choice. I'm sure whomever they choose will have symbolic meaning for Chinese people. Good question. I can't wait to watch the ceremony tomorrow.

  6. ... not funny

    hey i'm not trying to be rude but how do you become a top contributer for the china section... do you just sit at home and answer stupid puestions all day. i mean most of your questions are valid. but still

    oh... my guess is wen jia bao

  7. come on! it's just a question!

    i say wenjiabao or hu jintao

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