
Who is mirza gulam???and where he is from???

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how can he claim to be a Prophet.




  1. Mirza Gulam or Mirza Ghalem?

  2. For starters brother "Otherside" is right.  I usually do take aid from Someone when I write my answers.  His name is Allah swt.  I pray that Allah enables me to speak truth so that the righteous may understand that Imam Mahdi and Messih has come and that Muhammad (sa) is the Greatest of all Prophets.

    Next, Brother Muhi Din, Pakistani Patriot, and Sister Maryam all tie for offering copy/paste objections from hate websites.  As they have never once responded to any of the dozens of rebuttles I've given in the past, from their own books of Ahle Hadeeth no less, I do not wish to waste your time, Br Andre, in going into those details yet again.  Literally, every single thing they have written is flat out false, without any regard for the fact that they will be answerable to Allah swt one day.  May Allah bless them and forgive them, insha'allah.

    People keep saying I give long responses - that basically translates into the fact that they cannot find a rebuttle or flaw in my response.  And rest assured it is not my response, but it is the truth from Hazrat Ahmad (as) and more importantly Hazrat Muhammad (sa).

    Now to get to your question dear brother.  Hazrat Ahmad (as) was the very same Imam Mahdi and Messih as foretold by the Greatest Prophet Muhammad (sa).  He did not add nor delete anything to the qur'an as it was of course already perfect.  Rather, he revived the beautiful teachings of Islam that had been lost among a disunited Ummah.

    He fulfilled the prophacies foretold of his coming and became a champion of Islam by proving that Islam is a perfect religion and the Qur'an is a living book.  As with all Prophets from Allah, he and his people have faced immense persecution, torment, and countless Ahmadi Muslims have been murdered for their beliefse.

    However, never once have Ahmadi Muslims responded or engaged in violence.  Rather, we beleive that Allah is one, and Muhammad (sa) is His messenger, and hence we will follow the example of our perefect Messenger and always remain with peace.

    We have a Khalifa whom keeps us united across every country of the world.  Tens of millions of Muslims united by a Khalifa.  Muslims that were formally Sunni, Shia, Agakhani, Deobandi, and the list goes on, all united as Muslims who have accepted Imam Mahdi and Messih.

    We have a 24/7 satellite thats free for all and provides Islamic programming in Arabic, English, Urdu, and several other languages. (  

    Rather than going to a hate website brother, learn the claim of the man who said that Allah has rasied him to be Imam Mahdi and Messih.  Learn the claim from him, rather than from someone who hates him.  As a righteous person, I'm sure you can understand why that is important.

    May Allah always be your guide.  If you have particular questions, feel free to ask them

    love for all, hatred for none

  3. Aha! U have hit upon my favourite topic!

    The Qadiyanis/Mirzais/Ahmadis began their foul mission before the emergence of Pakistan. It was in the Indian sub continent, where the British had enslaved the Indians, and the indignant Muslims wanted Independence. So, the repressive rulers paid the epileptic hypochondriac, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani to create this sect. He immediately declared Jihad to be prohibited.

    He declared himself a mujjadad first, then became Mehdi after a while, and then a self-styled prophet.

    He declared his prophethood after Muhammad (P.B.U.H), and died one day when he slipped in the toilet, pitching into his own refuse (way to die; for a prophet, I mean). He declared that he had come to abolish jihad and further stated in his book 'Arya Dharm' :"Undoubtedly, we, our souls and our properties r the ransom of the English govenment."

    It is ironic how he prohibited jihad, but his successor caliph wrote in a newspaper 'Ibid' (August 8, 1923) : "Hundreds of our men joined the British army to conquer Iraq, and shed their (the Iraqi Muslim's) putrid blood on the way".

    Nowdays, these Qadiyanis r hailed by the Israeli govt. which bestows funds on them, enabling them to proceed with their great mission from the Qadyani settlement in Israel, Haifa on Mount Karmel (according to Mirza Mubarak, the grandson of the Qadyani impostor in his book 'Our Foreign Missions'). They have been allowed to have their own T.V. channel in Britian where they freely preach their contemptible views, and interpret the Quran & hadith in the most twisted manner possible (in terms of nebulous spiritual metaphors, which happen to be their forte). I mean the same British govt. which gave Salman Rushdie political asylum and the title of 'sir' recently for using abusive language regarding our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).

    EDIT: Guys, this is not fair! Mirza didn't come from Pakistan! He was an Indian---for God's sake---Indian! He came (and died) before Pakistan ever existed!

    Here is a good link (u'll be able to see a photograph of him):

    The fellow who is stationary, and comes after the first fellow in the video, is Mirza Qadyani.

  4. Mirza Qadyani was a man from India ,He claimed to be a prophet .

    He misinterpreted Quran and Hadith in a very Funny way

    He actually proved that CROW IS WHITE ,

    He and his followers r master of twisting words .thats only thing his followers r expert at .

    Go to the site and listen how tolerant r they,

    I personally  read their origional books,got a chance to talk to their scholars.

    I talked to their scholar in Washington On the phone,

    Their first strategy is they deny any quote from their books,but when i told him that i am reading from your books ,he said no u r lying , read one pg b4 that, when i did read pages b4 that ,then he start giving silly inter pretation

    they r the worst person to talk with ,so ignorant and miss behaved.

    Mr 1qfac.... mostly appear after few hours and write a long twisted answer (May be taking aid from some one )

  5. He was a one eye blind person from quadiyan east Indian Punjab. Gama Kana Kadhab belong to Quadiyan. He died in a toilet over his own stool.

    He was Puppet of Britishers not a Prophet.

    Quadiyani's basically belong to Quadiyan Indian Punjab, not Pakistan.

    After independence Indo-Pak, they bribed Lord Mount Beten and got quadiyan as an independent state within India, that India captured immediately after partition, so they migrated to Pakistan as that was the time they had not been unanimously declared Non-Muslims, they settled in a city Rabwa in Pakistan, near Chinyot.

  6. I don't know who "mirza gulam" is,but i know the meaning of "mirza".It's a kind of surename,it's a persian word.It mean:the son of a prince/a little formerly used before the name of princes.If you want to know an exact information about this person i think u should have refer to an Iranian history(mayby ghajar age)................

  7. Well qfactor, how do u counter "Muhyi al Din (27 Days)" answer?

  8. Peace be upon you Andre!

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a man from Qadian, India who claimed to be the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, prophecised by Jesus, Muhammad, and other religious prophecies.  

    He claimed to be a Prophet, just like any other Prophet (true or false) by telling people he was a Prophet.  In the case of true prophets, we see God bestowing them with signs and the ability to live.  With false prophets, we see them, metaphorically, to have their jugular veins torn from their bodies (see: John Alexander Dowie).  


    Muslim who believes in the Mahdi

  9. Some people here are really disrespectful!!! Shame on u guys!

    He is the Messiah of the Qadiyanis (Ahmadiyyas!).

    I think it would be suitable if you look on ure own throught the internet, there are a lot here who hate Ahmadis, although they are peaceful and tolerant! People should take them as examples....

  10. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani[May Allah's Curse be upon Him]- Fallacy of his Prophecies.

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani[May Allah's Curse be upon Him], the fonder of Qadiyanism or Ahmadism, so called Ahmadiya Movement in Islam wrote about prophesies of a prophet:

    a. The Torah and the Qur'an admit that the most truthful evidence of prophethood are the prophesies, and

    b. It is not possible that God's revelations be not confirmed by their fulfillment.

    Let us examine the prophesies of the writer who claimed himself to be a prophet (nabi) and the Promised Messiah (al-Masih al-Maw'oud). If a single prophecy is not fulfilled, it would show that such a prophet is an imposter and a liar.

       1. Rains and earthquakes

          Ghulam Ahmad wrote, "God revealed to me that frequent rains will come down. Due to their frequency villages will be destroyed. After them will follow severe earthquakes". He did not specify where and when. If it was to be in India, there are some regions which receive a lot of rain and there are other areas which feel earthquakes. This is not a prophecy.


    2. Abdullah Atham's death

          A Christian, Abdullah Atham entered into a debate with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in 1893; neither succeeded in winning over the other. It was embarrassing to Ghulam Ahmad and feeling insulted, on June 5, 1883 he announced that he had been informed by God that Abdullah Atham would die within fifteen months, that is, September 5, 1894. Ghulam Ahmad supplicated to God for the death of Abdullah Atham by his announced date of death and he asked his followers to join him in praying for the curse to come true. The deadline came and went but Abdullah Atham lived and for a long time. Ghulam's invocations and supplications were of no use and Allah proved that he was not His prophet.


    3. Multiple marriages

          On February 20, 1886 Ghulam Ahmad declared that indeed Allah revealed to him that he shall marry blessed women and he shall have numerous children from these new wives. He was then 46 years old. The fact remains that he could not marry anyone after his declared revelation from Allah despite several efforts and a crush on Muhammadi Begum.


    4. Marriage to Muhammadi Begum

          Ghulam Ahmad at age 46 had a crush on a young lady by the name of Muhammadi Begum daughter of Ahmad Beg, one of his followers. Ghulam asked her father to marry her to himself which he refused. Ghulam Ahmad announced a prophecy that she will be married to him because Allah had married her to him and no one had power to turn away from that becoming true. He offered bribes of estate and wealth to Ahmad Beg. When it did not work he begged for his pity, brought family pressure and finally made threats. The first prophecy of marriage to Muhammadi Begum failed.

          Ahmad Beg did not budge from his position and married his daughter to an ordinary soldier. Ghulam Ahmad prophesied that the husband of Muhammadi Begum would die soon and she would be married to him since their marriage had taken place in the heavens. He fixed a three year period for the death of the soldier husband of his beloved lady. Twenty two years later Ghulam Ahmad died but the soldier lived for another forty years and she lived even longer. The second prophecy of marriage to Muhammadi Begum failed.


    5. A spark of the light of God

          A son was born to Ghulam Ahmad on June 14, 1899 when he was 59 years old. He gave him the name, Mubarak Ahmad and declared, "this lad is indeed a spark of the light of God, the promised reformer, the owner of greatness and authority, possessor of healing breath like the Messiah, curer of diseases, a word of God and lucky. He will become famous in the four corners of the world, he will set prisoners free and through him all nations will be blessed."

          Allah had His plan to prove once again that Ghulam Ahmad was neither a prophet nor "the Promised Messiah" by showing that He did not reveal anything to him nor inspired him with anything nor chose him a prophet nor divinely guided him (Mehdi). Mubarak Ahmad died of natural causes at age 8 in 1907, less than a year before the death of the false prophet and the false messiah.


    6. The birth of another son

          When Ghulam Ahmad's wife became pregnant, he announced on January 1, 1903, "Praise be to Allah Who bestowed upon me in spite of old age four sons and has given me good news of a fifth". On January 28, 1903 his wife delivered a daughter who died in infancy. This was first failed prophecy of a son.

          His wife became pregnant again and he prophesied that she will deliver a son about whom he said, "the son of nobility will be born - a lad goodly-shaped and handsome." She delivered a baby girl on June 24, 1904. This was the second failed prophecy of a son.


    7. Again a son

          After two disappointments and proving himself to be a false prophet, he announced again that Allah had given him the news, "Verily, We give you tidings of a meek boy." He announced the date of the birth of the boy to be September 16, 1907 which was never fulfilled. This was the third false prophecy of a son.

          In October 1907 he pronounced yet another revelation from Allah, "I shall soon bestow upon you a righteous boy" and his name was announced to be Yahya. Alas, the prophesied son never came and the false prophet Ghulam Ahmad himself died on May 26, 1908. This was the fourth false prophecy of a son.


    8. A son to one of his followers

          Manzoor Muhammad, one of his followers, informed him that his wife was pregnant. Ghulam Ahmad prophesied cautiously in stages that Manzoor's wife will deliver a boy from this pregnancy or from a later pregnancy and child's name will be "Bashir-ud-Dawla". After such safeguards in his prophecy he emphasized, "Manzoor Muhammad's wife shall not die unless she gives birth to this noble son and until his prophecy is fulfilled."

          Manzoor Muhammad's wife delivered a baby girl and afterwards she never conceived and died without giving a boy. Doesn't it look like Ghulam Ahmad was working against Allah's Will?


    9. The plague

          Ghulam Ahmad feared plague very much and declared it to be one of his signs. He prophesied that the epidemic then ravaging in the Indian Province of Punjab will not enter his town of Qadiyan because it was the dwelling place of "God's prophet." God proved him a liar again. Plague spread in Qadiyan and in Ghulam Ahmad's own house; his maid and a few of his followers died of plague.


    10. The death of Dr. Abdul Hakim

    Dr. Abdul Hakim entered into a discussion with Ghulam Ahmad, challenged him to an open debate and called him a liar. Ghulam Ahmad did not take it very well and prophesied, "Abdul Hakim will die during my life-time as he insults and disgraces me." On May 4, 1907 Dr. Abdul Hakim responded with his own prediction that Ghulam Ahmad will die within fifteen months, that was by August 4, 1908. Ghulam Ahmad responded to Dr. Abdul Hakim's prediction by adding to his own prophecies:

    (a) Dr. Abdul Hakim will die during the life-time of Ghulam Ahmad, and,

    (b) Ghulam Ahmad will live to be eighty years of age, which was to be 1920 or later.

    Ghulam Ahmad died within a year on May 26, 1908, at age 68 and Dr. Abdul Hakim lived for many more years to become an old man.

    Ghulam Ahmad's prophecies and self deprecation

    On various occasions when he announced a prophecy he would self-deprecate if the prophecy was not fulfilled. A few of his announcements are given below:

    1. "If what I have said does not happen exactly, I am prepared for every punishment. My face be blackened and I be insulted. A rope be put round my neck and I be hanged".

    2. "Prepare for me a cross if my falsehood is exposed and curse me more than the Satan, the evil and the accursed."

    3. Regarding his burning love and lust for Muhammadi Begum, a daughter of one of his followers, he said, "Her marriage (to me) is a settled affair. I swear by God that this is true. They shall not have the power to thwart its occurrence. God Almighty has said, 'We have ourselves married her to you, it is not possible that My words may change'."

    Further, he said, "There is no changing of the Word of Allah. The meaning is that this prophecy of mine is bound to become true as the failure of its fulfillment falsifies the Word of God".

    In fact, the Word of God is never falsified but a liar speaking in the name of God is exposed. He further said, "If this prophecy does not turn out to be true I shall be the most evil of the evils, ye fools!" Well! He proved himself what he was.

    4. "But if this prophecy is not from Thee, O God, then perish me in disgrace and total loss and make me accursed and peltable in Thy view."

    5. "For ascertainment of my truthfulness or my falsehood there is no better thing than my prophesies." Well! We know the truth, don't we?

    Allah repeatedly failed Ghulam Ahmad in his prophecies to prove to the world that this man was a liar, an imposter and an inventor of a new religion which was not Islam.

  11. The most important fact which we should not ignore is that the founder of the Ahmadiyya Community, (Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian) has claimed to have been sent by Allah. This is the most important, fundamental claim that he ever made in his life. Now, what happened to him after this claim should be in total agreement with what happened to similar claimants in the past. How was a person treated when he claimed to be from God? This is the most important issue to be decided. If the (true) claimants in the past met different treatment to that faced by the present claimant, then he would be proved a false person, a false claimant--not a true one. So, look back now at the history of those from the time of Adam (as) to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). When a person claimed that he was sent by God, how was he treated by the clergy of his time? Was he supported or was he opposed vehemently by the whole society, a society otherwise divided in itself? Was it the case or otherwise that the clergy of one section hating the clergy of the other, yet joined forces in hating the one person who had claimed that he was from God? So, how could there occur a different phenomenon at the time of the Imam Mahdi (the rightly guided leader)? Suppose for a while that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) is not the Imam Mahdi in which case the Imam Mahdi is bound to come. If an Imam Mahdi comes and the Mullahs (the clergy) of the time support him and say 'Yes, you are right', this would be a revolutionary event. It would, in fact be such a strong deviation from the past behaviour (of similar people) that immediately we should recognise this fact to be something very alarming. Why should this Imam Mahdi be treated so kindly and gently by the clergy while his Master (as) was rejected outright by the clergy of his time, as were all the earlier people who made similar claims and were totally rejected and cruelly treated? So, what is there so special about the Imam Mahdi that, contrary to the past sunnat-ullah (the path laid down by God), this particular person is to be treated so amicably and in such a friendly and brotherly way? It is impossible. If he is treated like this, contrary to the treatment received by the previous true claimants, then he must be a false claimant.  (Mirza Tahir Ahmad)

    There is a good book on his biography by Ian Adamson "Ahmad the guided one". You can read it online:

  12. I dont know..

  13. well mirza is one of those whom of Our Prophet Muhammed(P B U H) has warned of.As he said there will be atleast 30 to 40 people claiming to be prophet.Well mirza is from pakistan.He has some stupid brainwashed followers.All i know is tht he is one bad bloody parrot...!!!!

  14. I'm saddend yet again to see the allogations made against our fellow brothers and sisters Ahmadi's.

    Most of what you read here is directly taken from anti Ahmadiyya sites. Loads of my fellow brothers and sisters love to bash the Ahmadi, based on the fact that the wise men of the Ulemah decided unamously in 1974 that it was totally right to sit on the chair of Allah and declare a peace loving sect who follows the 5 pillars of Islam perfectly, kafir.

    They convienently forgot that the Quran teaches us that there is no compulsion in religion, they also convientently forgot that our beloved Prophet (PBUH) stated: 'If you call some one a kafir, and you are wrong, Allah will consider you the kafir'.

    Now, if you want to learn about a 'mainstream Islam' would you go to sites like 'Prophetofdoom' and 'faithfreedom' known to be Islam bashing sites or would you go to official Islamic websites like Islamqa, sunnipath etc?

    I am not knowledgeable enough about Ahmadiyya to refute the allogations made by posters above. If you want to learn the truth about them, i suggest you go to their official website:

    There is a wonderful video there about what they believe in. I'll give you the link below,

    Furthermore, i am sure brother 1qfactor will be here later to set the record straight. He's a very knowledgeable Ahmadi.

    Let me add one last thing though: the Ahmadiyya are a strong united community. They are united under the Khalifat. Their strength grows every year..... not only in numbers!

    if the Ahmadiyya would be imposters, frauds and all the rest of the things they are accused of, do you think they would have followeres in 182 countries world wide?

    Would they grow every year in the way they do? Last year they had 340.000 converts..... MANY of them former mainstream Sunni muslims. No one will be able to deny that. No matter how hard they would try.

    @ Muyhi al din & Maryam: this time you got challenged by Smashing Pumpkins...... i see that you both  - as usual - cannot refute some one who expains things from an Ahmadiyya perspective. You failed all challenges set by 1qfactor and now you fail the challenge of Smashing.......

    Would be refreshing if you could, instead of just posting copies from hate sites.

  15. "And there never came to them a Messenger but they mocked at him. Thus do We cause this mocking to enter into the hearts of the sinful people; they believe not in this Quran, though the example of the former peoples has gone before them. And even if We opened to them a gate in heaven, and they kept ascending through it, they would surely say, ‘Only our eyes are dazed; rather we are a bewitched people.’ And we have, indeed, made mansions of stars in the heaven and have adorned it for the beholders. And We have guarded it against the intrusion of every rejected satan…” The Koran 15:12-18

    This is my favorite topic too, Maryum and May ul Deen 27 days!

    1. You so-called “Moslems” claim that God cursed some of the Jews because they tried to kill their Prophets and spiritual leaders. What about YOU who actually succeeded in murdering two of our beloved Khalifas (Hazrat Usman and Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with them) and Prophet Mohammad's grandchildren? THIS IS AN INDISPUTABLE FACT. What reward do you think God gave you for this? Once again, according to you (may God forgive me, in no way am I commenting on the Jewish people or any other people for that matter because I have equal regard for all humble, pious and righteous PEOPLE of the world whatever faith they are...), some of the Jews only TRIED to kill some of their prophets and illustrious leaders of the faith. But what about the “Moslems” who actually succeeded in killing theirs?

    2. The Holy Quran reads in three places that Allah says he can easily remove a people whom He is displeased with for their failure in representing Islam in the world and replace them with another people who would represent Islam truthfully. Based upon what you did to the illustrious Servants of Islam mentioned above, do you or do you not deserve to be replaced as the TRUE followers of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)?

    3. George Washington was a great man who dedicated his life to a great cause. The result of his life dedication is "AMERICA".  We can easily see the success and beauty of America today.

    Ray Kroc was a great man who dedicated his life to a great cause. The result of his life dedication is "McDonalds".  We can easily see the success and beauty of McDonalds today (restaraunts in over 100 countries, sales of billions of dollars yearly, happiest and most loyal workforce).

    Bill Gates was a great man who dedicated his life to a great cause. The result of his life dedication is "MICROSOFT".  We can easily see the success and beauty of Microsoft today.

    Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was a great man who dedicated his life to a great cause. The result of his life dedication was illustrating to the world the perfect practice of being a Muslim (which means simply "Submission") through his own example. He achieved his goal. Is the fumbling, bumbling, mumbling "Ummah" you see today the result of his life dedication?

    4. There were two opposing sides on the days Usman, Ali, and the grandchildren of the Prophet (pbuh) died: Those who supported them, and those who were against them. Whose side were you on? Whatever answer you give, PROVE IT. We can prove that we were on the sides of Usman and Ali. Why? because we believe in the Khalifa of TODAY.

    5. Of course everyone in the world knows that the religion of ISLAM is PERFECT, and that the various Prophets and their companions and early followers who practiced Islam (from Adam (AS) to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)) were perfect followers of Islam. Even a baby knows this. But what about you??? (especially your so-called "Ummah" today). Prove to me that you and your "Ummah" are perfect in your means and ways in understanding Islam and DO NOT REQUIRE EVEN AN IOTA OF GUIDENCE, especially in view of your position today.

    6. After taking out the blessed SERVANTS OF ALLAH mentioned above, prove to me that you will suddenly believe in Jesus if/when he comes down from heaven. What!!! you took out Usman and Ali, but will accept Jesus??? Explain.

    7. Prophet Jesus (AS) told the Jews that he was their MESSIAH (following the steps of Prophet Moses (AS)). Some of those Jews (note the word "some", not all; many of those also believed and accepted the truth of Prophet Jesus...) replied that Prophet Jesus was a liar and fraud because they believed that Prophet Elijah (AS) (known in Islam as "Illias") was taken to the heavens while alive and that God promised them that he would one day return from heaven to be their Messiah.....

    Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad told the "Moslems" that he was their MESSIAH (following the steps of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)). Some (again, "some" and not all) "Moslems" replied that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a liar and fraud because they believed that (and get ready for this) that Prophet Jesus (AS) was taken to the heavens while alive and that God promised them that he would one day return from heaven to be their Messiah.....


  16. Mirza Ghulaam Ahmed Qaadiyaan is a False Prophet wh claimed himself to be Imam Mahdi and claimed that he has the spirit if Isa (Jesus) PBUH in him.

    The followers of this Jerk are known as Ahmedi or Qaadiyaani.

    When the news of his death spread in Lahore, a crowd of opponents gathered outside the house. It is reported that much jubilation was displayed and a mock funeral was arranged for the entertainment of the crowd. ,[3] Some Muslim opponents of Ahmadiyya claim that his death, which they allege as being a result of Cholera, was accursed and his terminal disease a sign of wrath of God,[4][5] which they further allege he mentioned in his own writings would be the punishment for a liar: "...punishment which is not by human hands but only at the hands of God, such as Plague and Cholera etc. deadly diseases..."[6]

    Followers of this Jerk are known as Ahmedis.

    Prophesies in question

    (Main article: Prophecies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad)

    His critics say that his death proved his following prophecies to have been untrue:[10]

    He prophesied that he will live to be 80 or so years old but his opponents assert he lived only to 68. His followers disagree with this contention and point out that the said prophecy (made in 1865 or about 43 years before his actual death) was for “..eighty years or a few years less or more….” (Tadhkira, page 6, emphasis by editor), and that Mirza Ghluam Ahmad was past the age of seventy at the time of his death (b: 1835 – d: 1908)[11]

    He prophesied that he would marry Muhammadi Begum, before his death but his opponents point out he never did. Followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad however claim that the prophecy regarding Mohammadi Begum was multi-faceted, not confined to marriage with Muhammadi Begum only and "conditional", i.e, did not require absolute fulfillment. They point out that as part of the prophecy (death of Muhammadi Begum’s father) was fulfilled after which conditions changed, the remaining prophecy did not come to pass.[12]

    His opponents assert that he gave a prayer that Moulvi Sanaullah of Amristar, his arch opponent who had openly called him a liar and an impostor, will die before him. However his opponents point out that he died first. His followers however contend that the said claim was not one-sided and was part of a Mubahila (Prayer-Duel) or challenge which was conditional upon the acceptance of the same by Maulvi Sanaullah. As Maulvi Sanaullah publicly refused to accept the challenge posed by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the contents therein did not come into effect. Hence the question who died first became immaterial and inconsequential due to Maulvi Sanalullah’s recorded refusal to accept the Mubalaha (prayer-duel or challenge).[13]

    His opponents assert that a doctor Abdul Hakim prophesied that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad would die within a certain time period and that he did die within that time. However, Ahmadis assert that not only was he plagiarizing Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's prophecy of his demise but that he repeatedly kept changing it till it became a specific date which was off by many months of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's actual date of death.[14]

    His opponents assert that he prophesied that Abdullah Atham, a Christian who had debated with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, will die before him within a limited time frame. However, some of his opponents assert that he died first but mainly that Atham died after the fifteen months prophesied period had passed (Jung-e-Muqaddas, P. 189.).

    Ahmadiyya Muslims see this episode as reminiscent of the prophecy of the Biblical Prophet Jonah to the city of Nineveh. They answer the critics by claiming that the original prophecy which was published in the book Jang e Muqaddas was conditional upon Atham not inclining towards 'truth' as was stated provided he does not incline towards truth[15]. They argue that Atham was in constant fear and backed out of his Anti-Islamic stance for the 15 months of the prophecy. Ahmadiyya Muslims say that after much jubilation was shown by the opponents of Ahmad upon Atham being alive once the time limit of the original prophecy expired, Ghulam Ahmad invited him to swear on oath that he did not entertain the least thought of the truth of Islam and the falsehood of Christianity. His refusal to do so is sufficient proof of his inclining towards truth.[16]. They point out that Abdullah Atham eventually died on July 27, 1896 within the lifetime of Ghluam Ahmad after he had made the prophecy of his death on September 30, 1895,[17]

    He gave revelation that Allah will bestow upon him a great new son, a sign of Allah's presence and proof of his prophethood but his opponents assert that he didn't have another son. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believe that the prophecy was fulfilled in the person of Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad who was born in time of the Prophecy.[18], while the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement believe that the prophecies related to the "promised son" are allegorical in nature,[19]

    He prophesied that he will die in Makkah or in Medina but his opponents point out that he died in Lahore and never saw either cities.

    His followers point out however that in regard of the whole prophecy which is not simply regarding his death but also a guarantee of victory for all messengers and eventual peace, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad explains the prophecy is not where he would die but instead he would have great victories like Muhammad had over Mecca and Medina. [20]

  17. Just like if you were to ask who are Catholics and all the Evangelists would stand up and shout nonsense and curse how they don't believe in Jesus, expect the same type of replies here.

    Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (aleihi salam) is the founder of Ahmadiyyat which is a sect of Islam. He is the Promised Messiah and reformer of Islam in many many ways. His teachings are all based on Islam and our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallahu aleihi wasalam).

    His mission was to bring Muslims together and to remove all misinterpretations of Islam. He was a man of Allah and his followers are Muslim who practice love, peace and patience and live by "love for all, hatred for none".

    Unfortunately for most of the Muslims of other sects, intolerance is still key to their mere existence and they seem to arrogantly live to deprive others of their rights to practice their religion and beliefs and wish for nothing more than to pound others with their backwards beliefs that they or their intimidated superiors may have deducted.

    I strongly advice you to read and study on your own. To read more on Ahmadiyyat is quite simple and free online: and one specifically about his life:

    For the rest of the people preaching everything but peace which is the true meaning of Islam... Bring on the thumbs down!


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