
Who is more attractive?

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  1. I'll stick with your avatar, you'll do just fine!

  2. Helen Mirran just looks amazing . She is how an older woman should look . All she has are regular facials . She does us women  proud . With her poise and Grace .

    Katie Price just looks too Barbie and plastic to me . At her age she certainly shouldn't need Botox . Which she has done all the time . Goodness knows what she will be like as she ages .

  3. I do admit that Helen Mirren looks fantastic and considerably younger than her 63 years. I do not think Katy Price will look as good when she is 63 and even now I would much prefer to be in the company of Helen Mirren. Fantastic in the red bikini.

  4. Er, I think Helen Mirren wins hands down.

  5. A good shot of Dame Helen. She could have breathed in a little more though ;)

    Katie (Jordan) doesn't seem very well to me over the last few months, but there is no denying, on a good day, she is to die for. (Plastic or not - the best glamour model on earth). I wonder what is worrying her. She has a lot to contend with , with Harvey.

  6. Blatantly Helen Mirren, if I look like that in a bikini when I'm 40 I'll be a happy woman.

  7. jesus, helen mirren looks fantastic.....

    nothing fake about her I hope!

  8. You can tell who hasn't had kids and all the stresses that brings!

  9. helen mirren looks fab for her age, whereas jordan looks gaunt and her face is just long, thin and freaky. x

  10. First

  11. Depends on what we're looking at ...Helen Mirren can afford a belly-tuck, and I bet yer pants she's had one.

    PS: OK, I'm just jealous ;-)

  12. peter andre thinks jordan is s**y

    enough said

  13. Helen by FAR!!!! not even a question

  14. I'd rather take the Land Rover Discovery out (behind Katie).

    Helen Mirren does look fab for her age though, but I'd opt for Katie who looks much better when dressed casually than I'd have imagined.

  15. omg - Helen Mirren looks amaaaazing and not just for a woman her age, she just looks amazing!  Katie Price fascinates me, but she's not a patch on Helen!

  16. Helen Mirren without a doubt.


    Reading some of these posts, I have to say Helen Mirren looks great for ANY age.  Belly tuck or no.  You can't 'buy' skin that looks as good as hers does!!!!

  17. grab a granny anyday lol

    serious tho Helen looks far better

  18. Dame Helen without a doubt.

  19. Helen Mirren looks fantastic for a woman of her age (she looks younger in fairness), Jordan looks OK for her age but the big question is will she look as good as Helen in her 60s (I do not think so)

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