
Who is more beautiful, Hera or Aphrodite?

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sources say that hera is the most beautiful.. some also say that aphrodite is since she is the goddess of beauty and love..

regardless of the answer of Paris, who is really more beautiful ?

paris only answered aphrodite because of helen..




  1. The moral of that story is when siding with the gods choose the most powerful. However, I'm gonna have to say Aphrodite was the most beautiful.

  2. I believe it was Aphrodite.

    Hera's anger and jealousy make her an ugly goddess.

    Wow, that sounds really cheeky and naive.

    But, yeah, since I would rather have Aphrodite on my side, she'd be my pick. The only real thing Hera had/has (depending on one's view) is being the wife of Zeus. If I'm not mistaken, Aphrodite had a larger following than Hera, also.

  3. Aprhodite is more beautiful because it says in a myth about the two that Hera got so jealous of Aphrodite being the only one prettier than her that she tried having her killed.

  4. i believe helen

  5. Don't mean to tick anyone off, but I always heard that it was Aphrodite.  While I imagine they are both beautiful though.

  6. Aphrodite, Hera is really jealous!

  7. Aphrodite

  8. Aphrodite was the most beautiful goddess. Hera was the second most beautiful, but because she was so evil and bad tempered, in my opinion, she was one of the ugliest.

  9. I thought Minerva.

  10. I'm not going to choose because I don't want either of them ticked off at me.

  11. well you answered your own question..

    Aphrodite IS the goddess of Beauty...which means Hera got owned!

    Aphrodite is beauty and if she is symbolic of the aspect of love Hera's apparent beauty can only be existent because of  aphrodite...

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